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Impact of storms on residence times and export of coastal waters during a mild autumn/winter period in the Gulf of Lion.
Continental Shelf Research ( IF 2.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-12-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.csr.2020.104192
Guillaume Mikolajczak , Claude Estournel , Caroline Ulses , Patrick Marsaleix , François Bourrin , Jacobo Martín , Ivane Pairaud , Pere Puig , Yann Leredde , Gael Many , Léo Seyfried , Xavier Durrieu de Madron

Abstract A coupled ocean-wave model was used to investigate residence times of the water masses on the Gulf of Lion shelf and their export routes during autumn 2010 and winter 2010–2011. Particular attention is paid to the Cap de Creus region and submarine canyon, a key site for the export of water from the Gulf of Lion shelf. First, model results were compared to numerous observations taken during the same period. The timing of strong current pulses on the shelf and at 300 m depth within the Cap de Creus Canyon, linked to easterly winds during winter, were well reproduced by the model. Lagrangian particle trajectories were used to calculate residence times of water masses on the Gulf of Lion shelf. Those of waters located near the Rhone River ranged from 10 to 40 days for autumn 2010, a period which was dominated by frequent strong winds, to 40–60 days for winter 2010–2011, which has been linked to less frequent strong winds and a slope current flowing farther away from the shelf. In the Cap de Creus region the volumes of water exported were estimated at 747 km3 in autumn and 1513 km3 in winter. Results show that, in autumn, only 4% of the water was exported at depths below 200 m while, in winter, this percentage was 25% because it was related to coastal dense water cascades. Yet, this export remains low compared to other winters. It is likely that the low heat losses that characterized the second part of the winter were responsible for the shallow export depth through the Cap de Creus Canyon. These conditions favoured an export of water from the Gulf of Lion to the Spanish coastal zone that would represent 70% of the total exported volume. Interannual variability of the distribution of this export was investigated over the longer period of 2010–2017. Heat losses in February and March appear to be an indicator of dense shelf water cascading, suggesting about 3 or 4 out of 8 winters being affected by deep cascading (reaching 1000 m depth). Understanding the variability of exports of continental inputs to this region is essential to anticipate their potential impacts on ecosystems and human activities in environments as contrasting as the coastal zone and deep canyons.



摘要 利用耦合海浪模型研究了2010年秋季和2010-2011年冬季狮子湾大陆架水团的停留时间及其输出路线。特别关注 Cap de Creus 地区和海底峡谷,这是从狮子湾大陆架输出水的关键地点。首先,将模型结果与同期进行的大量观察进行了比较。该模型很好地再现了与冬季东风有关的架子上和 Cap de Creus 峡谷内 300 m 深处的强电流脉冲的时间。拉格朗日粒子轨迹用于计算水团在狮子湾大陆架上的停留时间。2010 年秋季,罗纳河附近水域的持续时间为 10 至 40 天,这一时期以频繁的强风为主,到 2010-2011 年冬季的 40-60 天,这与不太频繁的强风和远离大陆架的斜坡水流有关。在 Cap de Creus 地区,秋季出口水量估计为 747 平方公里,冬季为 1513 平方公里。结果表明,在秋季,只有 4% 的水输出到 200 m 以下的深度,而在冬季,这一比例为 25%,因为它与沿海密集的瀑布有关。然而,与其他冬季相比,这一出口量仍然很低。冬季后半段的低热损失很可能是导致通过 Cap de Creus 峡谷的出口深度较浅的原因。这些条件有利于将水从狮子湾出口到西班牙沿海地区,这将占总出口量的 70%。在 2010 年至 2017 年的较长时期内,对这种出口分布的年际变化进行了调查。2 月和 3 月的热量损失似乎是密集陆架水层叠的指标,表明 8 个冬季中约有 3 或 4 个受到深层叠(达到 1000 米深度)的影响。了解大陆输入到该地区的出口变化对于预测它们对生态系统和人类活动在与沿海地区和深峡谷形成对比的环境中的潜在影响至关重要。