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The long-term impact of vehicular traffic on winter and spring methane flux under no-till farming in Central Ohio
Atmospheric Pollution Research ( IF 3.9 ) Pub Date : 2020-08-03 , DOI: 10.1016/j.apr.2020.07.025
Gulab Singh Yadav , Rattan Lal , Nall I. Moonilall , Ram Swaroop Meena

Mechanized conservation agriculture, mainly no-till (NT) based production systems, is of utmost importance for the conservation of natural resources and restoration of the environmental quality. However, the impact of machine-induced compaction on the methane (CH4) uptake in the absence of the growing crop is not known. Emission of CH4 from soil to the atmosphere through anthropogenic activities plays a significant role in global climate change. Thus, a NT compaction experiment was established at the Waterman Farm of the Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, in 1997, to study the long-term impact of the growing season traffic on non-growing season methane emission under NT farming. The levels of traffic included: control (no passages with additional axle loads; VT-0), two (VT-2) and four (VT-4) additional passages of 2.5 Mg water wagon axle load to cover the entire plot. To study the CH4 uptake capacity of soil under NT in relation to natural soils, three locations were also selected from the adjoining woodlot (WL). The CH4 emissions of soil were monitored between November 16, 2016 and May 30, 2017. CH4 emissions ranged from −8.54 to 5.06 mg m−2 day−1 with mean of −0.97, −0.45, −1.31 and −4.46 mg CH4 m−2 day−1 for VT-0, VT-2, VT-4 and WL, respectively. The CH4 uptake was higher in soil under WL -4.85, and −3.07 mg CH4 m−2 day−1 during winter and spring seasons, respectively than under other treatments. The VT-2 treatment recorded the highest CH4 emission (0.55 mg CH4 m−2 day−1) during winter and the lowest soil CH4 uptake (−1.19 mg CH4 m−2 day−1) during the spring season. At end of the study, the cumulative uptake of CH4 was reduced under VT-2 by 911% and 122% as compared to that in soil of WL (5.36 CH4 kg ha−1) and VT-0 (1.18 CH4 kg ha−1), respectively. The radiative forcing (RF) i.e. greatest net CH4 emissions were observed under VT-4. The study concluded that long-term (>20 years) use of 2 or 4 additional passages of traffic 2.5 Mg axle load under NT farming reduced the oxidation and uptake rate of CH4 in comparison to that of soil under NT and WL, which may consequently reduce the CH4 mitigation potential of NT soils.



机械化的保护性农业,主要是免耕生产系统,对于保护自然资源和恢复环境质量至关重要。但是,在没有生长的农作物的情况下,机器诱导的压实对甲烷(CH 4)吸收的影响尚不清楚。CH 4的排放通过人为活动从土壤到大气,在全球气候变化中发挥着重要作用。因此,1997年在俄亥俄州哥伦布市的俄亥俄州立大学沃特曼农场建立了NT压实试验,以研究NT耕作下生长季交通量对非生长季甲烷排放的长期影响。交通级别包括:控制(无通道,无附加轴负载; VT-0),另外有两个(VT-2)和四(VT-4)通道,分别具有2.5 Mg的水车轴负载,可覆盖整个地块。为了研究NT下土壤相对于天然土壤对CH 4的吸收能力,还从毗邻的林地(WL)中选择了三个位置。在2016年11月16日至2017年5月30日期间,监测了土壤中CH 4的排放。CHVT-0,VT-2,VT-4的4种排放量范围从-8.54至5.06 mg m -2-1,平均值为-0.97,-0.45,-1.31和-4.46 mg CH 4 m -2-1和WL分别。与其他处理相比,在WL -4.85和−3.07 mg CH 4 m -2第一-1的冬季和春季,土壤中CH 4的吸收较高。VT-2处理在冬季记录了最高的CH 4排放(0.55 mg CH 4 m -2-1),最低的土壤CH 4吸收量(-1.19 mg CH 4 m)春季期间−2-1)。在研究结束时,与WL(5.36 CH 4 kg ha -1)和VT-0(1.18 CH 4 kg )的土壤相比,VT-2下CH 4的累积吸收减少了911%和122%。ha -1)。在VT-4下观察到了辐射强迫(RF),即最大的CH 4净排放量。研究得出的结论是,相比于NT和WL下的土壤,长期(> 20年)在NT耕作下长期使用2或4条额外的2.5 Mg轴负荷交通通道可降低CH 4的氧化和吸收速率,这可能因此降低了NT土壤的CH 4缓解潜力。
