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Spectroradiometric detection of competitor diatoms and the grazer Poteriochromonas in algal cultures
Algal Research ( IF 4.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-08-03 , DOI: 10.1016/j.algal.2020.102020
Thomas A. Reichardt , Danae Maes , Travis J. Jensen , Thomas A. Dempster , John A. McGowen , Kunal Poorey , Deanna J. Curtis , Todd W. Lane , Jerilyn A. Timlin

To address challenges in early detection of pond pests, we have extended a spectroradiometric monitoring method, initially demonstrated for measurement of pigment optical activity and biomass, to the detection of algal competitors and grazers. The method relies upon measurement and interpretation of pond reflectance spectra spanning from the visible into the near-infrared. Reflectance spectra are acquired every 5 min with a multi-channel, fiber-coupled spectroradiometer, providing monitoring of algal pond conditions with high temporal frequency. The spectra are interpreted via numerical inversion of a reflectance model, in which the above-water reflectance is expressed in terms of the absorption and backscatter coefficients of the cultured species, with additional terms accounting for the pigment fluorescence features and for the water-surface reflection of sunlight and skylight. With this method we demonstrate detection of diatoms and the predator Poteriochromonas in outdoor cultures of Nannochloropsis oceanica and Chlorella vulgaris, respectively. The relative strength of these signatures is compared to microscopy and sequencing analysis. Spectroradiometric detection of diatoms is then further assessed on beaker-contained mixtures of Microchloropsis salina with Phaeodactylum tricornutum, Thalassiosira weissflogii, and Thalassiosira pseudonana, respectively, providing an initial evaluation of the sensitivity and specificity of detecting pond competitors.



为了解决池塘害虫早期发现中的挑战,我们将光谱辐射监测方法(藻类竞争者和放牧者的检测方法)扩展到了藻类竞争者和放牧者的检测范围,该方法最初被证明可用于测量色素光学活性和生物量。该方法依赖于从可见光到近红外范围的池塘反射光谱的测量和解释。使用多通道光纤耦合光谱仪每5分钟获取一次反射光谱,从而可以高频率监测藻类池塘的状况。光谱是通过反射率模型的数值反演来解释的,其中水上反射率以养殖物种的吸收系数和反向散射系数表示,并加上其他术语来说明颜料的荧光特征以及阳光和天光在水表面的反射。通过这种方法,我们演示了硅藻和捕食者的检测分别海洋拟南芥小球藻的室外培养中出现大红。将这些标记的相对强度与显微镜和测序分析进行比较。硅藻的分光光度法检测然后进一步评估了烧杯中含微绿藻的盐藻三角角藻,Thalasiosira weissflogiiThalassiosira pseudonana的混合物,从而初步评估了检测池塘竞争者的敏感性和特异性。
