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A new silverside, Doboatherina palauensis (Atheriniformes: Atherinidae) from the Palau Islands in the West Pacific
Ichthyological Research ( IF 0.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-08-02 , DOI: 10.1007/s10228-020-00770-6
Seishi Kimura , Kosuke Takeda , Ryo Ono Gotoh , Naoto Hanzawa

A new atherinid fish, Doboatherina palauensis , is described based on the holotype and 31 paratypes, 36–51 mm in standard length, collected from the marine lakes and outer lagoon in Mecherchar Island, Republic of Palau. The new species can be distinguished from all congeners by a short, blunt ascending process of the premaxilla (height about twice maximum width), premaxilla with a single lateral process, posterior upper margin of dentary with a small process, palatine toothed, no crenulation along posterior margin of lateral and predorsal scales, smaller eye (diameter 9.2–11% of standard length), 37–39 midlateral scales, 38–41 total vertebrae, narrower midlateral band (about 1/2 width of midlateral scale, its upper and lower margins not reaching to upper and lower margins of midlateral scale row at the level of anal-fin origin, respectively). The new species resembles Doboatherina aetholepis (Kimura, Iwatsuki and Yoshino 2002), Doboatherina bleekeri (Günther 1861), Doboatherina valenciennei (Bleeker 1854) and Doboatherina woodwardi (Jordan and Starks 1901) in sharing a comparatively slender body in the genus Doboatherina . The former is distinguishable from D. aetholepis by having only a short spatular outgrowth on posterior margin of predorsal and/or interdorsal scales or almost lacking the outgrowth (vs. a long spatular outgrowth on posterior margin of most predorsal and interdorsal scales in D. aetholepis ) and narrower midlateral band (lower margin not reaching to lower margin of midlateral scale row vs. reaching), from D. bleekeri and D. valenciennei by lacking crenulated lateral and predorsal scales (vs. having crenulated lateral and/or predorsal scales) and a single lateral process on premaxilla (vs. two processes), and from D. woodwardi by having lower ascending process (height about twice maximum width vs. three times) and a single lateral process on premaxilla (vs. two processes). Doboatherina bleekeri has more numerous total vertebrae (42–47) than D. palauensis (38–41).


来自西太平洋帕劳群岛的一种新的银鱼,Doboatherina palauensis(Atheriniformes:Atherinidae)

一种新的 atherinid 鱼 Doboatherina palauensis 基于从帕劳共和国 Mecherchar 岛的海洋湖泊和外泻湖收集的正模和 31 种副型,标准长度为 36-51 毫米。新种可通过前上颌骨短而钝的上升突(高度约为最大宽度的两倍)与所有同类区分开来,前上颌骨有一个单一的侧突,牙齿的后上缘有一个小突,腭有齿,沿无小圆齿外侧和前背鳞片的后缘,较小的眼睛(直径为标准长度的 9.2-11%),37-39 个中外侧鳞片,38-41 个总椎骨,更窄的中外侧带(约 1/2 中外侧鳞片的宽度,其上下边缘未分别到达臀鳍起点水平的中鳞排的上边缘和下边缘)。新物种类似于 Doboatherina aetholepis (Kimura、Iwatsuki 和 Yoshino 2002)、Doboatherina bleekeri (Günther 1861)、Doboatherina valenciennei (Bleeker 1854) 和 Doboatherina woodwardi(Jordan 和 Starks 在 1901 年分享了 Doboatherina woodwardi)。前者与 D. aetholepis 的区别在于,在前背和/或背间鳞片的后缘仅具有短的铲状生长物或几乎没有生长物(与 D. aetholepis 的大多数前背和背间鳞片的后缘上的长铲状生长物相比) ) 和较窄的中侧带(下缘未到达中侧鳞行的下缘 vs. 到达),来自 D. bleekeri 和 D. valenciennei,由于缺乏圆齿的侧向和前背鳞片(vs. 具有圆齿的外侧和/或前背鳞片)和前上颌骨上的单个侧突(与两个突起相比),并且来自 D. woodwardi 具有较低的上升过程(高度约为最大宽度的两倍与三倍)和单个侧突前上颌骨(与两个过程相比)。Doboatherina bleekeri 的总椎骨 (42-47) 比 D. palauensis (38-41) 多。