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Storing fish?: a dog's isotopic biography provides insight into Iron Age food preservation strategies in the Russian Arctic.
Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences ( IF 2.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-08-03 , DOI: 10.1007/s12520-020-01166-3
Robert J Losey 1 , Eric Guiry 2, 3 , Tatiana Nomokonova 4 , Andrei V Gusev 5 , Paul Szpak 3

Analysis of individual animal bodies can provide numerous useful insights in archeology, including how humans provisioned such animals, which in turn informs on a variety of other past behaviors such as human dietary patterns. In this study, we conducted stable carbon (δ13C) and nitrogen (δ15N) isotope analysis of collagen and keratin from four types of tissues from a dog burial at the Ust’-Polui site in the Iamal region of Arctic Russia. Ust’-Polui is an Iron Age site located on the Lower Ob River, a major northern fishery characterized by extreme seasonal shifts in fish presence. During a 6-month period stretching over the coldest months of the year, fish are nearly entirely absent in the Lower Ob River. Despite this, the stable isotope compositions of the dog’s bone and dentine collagen and hair and nail keratin all indicate a monotonous diet focusing on local fish. This pattern indicates the dog was provisioned year-round with fish. This was likely accomplished by mass harvesting of fish using nets or traps. Such fish were then processed and frozen for consumption during the non-fishing season. These findings suggest that people in the Ust’-Polui region also relied to some extent on fish throughout the year. Stored fish likely provided a dietary buffer for uneven returns from reindeer and bird hunting, both of which also are well-evidenced at the site.



对单个动物尸体的分析可以为考古学提供许多有用的见解,包括人类如何饲养此类动物,从而反过来为过去的各种其他行为提供信息,例如人类的饮食模式。在这项研究中,我们进行了稳定的碳(δ 13 C)和氮(δ 15N)同位素分析,来自俄罗斯北极Iamal地区Ust'-Polui遗址狗尸体的四种组织的胶原蛋白和角蛋白。乌斯特(Ust'-Polui)是位于下鄂布河(Lower Ob River)的一个铁器时代遗址,该河是北部的主要渔业,其特征是鱼类的季节性极度变化。在一年中最冷的六个月中,下鄂毕河几乎完全没有鱼。尽管如此,狗骨头,牙本质胶原蛋白,头发和指甲角蛋白的稳定同位素组成都显示出以当地鱼类为中心的单调饮食。此模式表明该狗全年都供应鱼。这很可能是通过使用网或诱捕器大规模捕捞鱼类来实现的。然后,在非捕捞季节将这些鱼加工并冷冻以便食用。这些发现表明,在Ust'-Polui地区,人们全年都在一定程度上依赖鱼类。储存的鱼可能为驯鹿和鸟类狩猎带来的不均衡收益提供饮食缓冲,这在现场也得到了充分证明。