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Geomorphological and geophysical surveys with InSAR analysis applied to the Picerno earth flow (southern Apennines, Italy)
Landslides ( IF 5.8 ) Pub Date : 2020-08-02 , DOI: 10.1007/s10346-020-01499-z
Mario Bentivenga , Jessica Bellanova , Giuseppe Calamita , Antonio Capece , Francesco Cavalcante , Erwan Gueguen , Paola Guglielmi , Beniamino Murgante , Giuseppe Palladino , Angela Perrone , Lucia Saganeiti , Sabatino Piscitelli

Landslides represent a major geomorphological feature influencing the evolution of the southern Apennine slopes with earth flows being one of the most representative types of landslide. The development of earth flows in the southern Apennines is facilitated by the widespread occurrence of clayey lithologies. Earth flows can either produce marked scars along the slopes, when their activity is high, or give rise to bumpy areas that are frequently covered by vegetation, when their activity is low. In this latter case, although the risk is significantly reduced, the earth flow can still represent a problem for buildings and infrastructure. The Picerno earth flow in the Basilicata region is an example of a low-activity earth flow. This NW-SE–oriented landslide extends for a length of ~ 5.5 km, has an average width of ~ 680 m, and affects the village of Picerno. Our investigations mainly focused on the terminal portion of the landslide and revealed that some significant linear infrastructures (e.g., the Potenza–Naples railway) and important provincial and municipal roads are affected by the earth flow. In order to better define the amount of displacement characterizing the Picerno earth flow and gain insights into the lateral extension and the depth of the main detachment surface, we undertook a detailed geological and geomorphological survey. Interferometry synthetic aperture radar data provided by the processing of SAR images, with the aim of highlighting the regions of the landslide that are currently active, together with electrical resistivity tomography data which have been utilized to define the geometry of the landslide body. Our results provide useful suggestions for planning appropriate actions aimed at stabilizing the landslide body.


将 InSAR 分析应用于 Picerno 地球流(意大利亚平宁山脉南部)的地貌和地球物理调查

滑坡是影响亚平宁南部斜坡演化的主要地貌特征,土流是最具代表性的滑坡类型之一。粘土岩性的广泛存在促进了亚平宁山脉南部地流的发展。土流可以在活动频繁时沿着斜坡产生明显的疤痕,或者在活动低时产生经常被植被覆盖的崎岖地区。在后一种情况下,虽然风险显着降低,但土流仍然可能代表建筑物和基础设施的问题。Basilicata地区的Picerno地球流是低活动地球流的一个例子。这个 NW-SE 导向的滑坡长度约 5.5 公里,平均宽度约 680 m,并影响到皮塞尔诺村。我们的调查主要集中在滑坡的终点部分,发现一些重要的线性基础设施(例如波坦察-那不勒斯铁路)和重要的省市道路受到土流的影响。为了更好地定义表征 Picerno 地球流的位移量并深入了解主拆离面的横向延伸和深度,我们进行了详细的地质和地貌调查。由 SAR 图像处理提供的干涉测量合成孔径雷达数据,目的是突出显示当前活动的滑坡区域,以及用于定义滑坡体几何形状的电阻率层析成像数据。