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Variation of gas phase combustion properties of complex fuels during vaporization: Comparison for distillation and droplet scenarios
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute ( IF 5.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-31 , DOI: 10.1016/j.proci.2020.05.048
Lei Luo , Yu Cheng Liu

Surrogate mixtures for modeling real fuels are formulated based on gaseous combustion property targets and liquid physical properties. A batch distillation model was developed to evaluate the vaporization characteristics of some existing surrogates for Jet-A. Chinese aviation fuel RP-3 was then used as a target to experimentally obtain distillation curves and variation of chemical functional groups. A 24-component surrogate was formulated mainly to capture the distillation behavior of RP-3. This surrogate was then used in two droplet vaporization models (Finite Thermal Conductivity/Finite Diffusivity (FTC/FD), Infinite Thermal Conductivity/Infinite Diffusivity (ITC/ID)) to investigate the effects of preferential vaporization on gaseous combustion properties of a complex real fuel. The results obtained from FTC/FD and ITC/ID provide regional bounds for droplets in a vaporizing spray. Four combustion property targets (Molecular Weight (MW), Hydrogen to Carbon ratio (H/C), Derived Cetane Number (DCN) and Threshold Sooting Index (TSI)) were employed as indicators of gas combustion properties. It was found that due to a wide distribution of compounds’ volatility, gaseous combustion properties vary significantly during droplet vaporization. The results suggest development of vaporization models that well capture preferential vaporization of a target real fuel for further spray modeling.
