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Changes in land cover and ecological stress in Borneo based on remote sensing and an ecological footprint method
Landscape and Ecological Engineering ( IF 1.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-08-01 , DOI: 10.1007/s11355-020-00425-8
Jinfeng Yan , Menghan Wang , Fenzhen Su , Xiaoxiao Zhang , Shanshan Gao , Meirong Xu

Changes in land cover and ecological stressors are known to reflect the influences of human activities on regional environments and are also indicators of sustainable development. In this research, Borneo was selected as the study area. The data were sourced from Landsat TM image data obtained in 1990, 2000 and 2010, SRTM DEM data, and DMSP/OLS night-time satellite data, along with socioeconomic information, including regional population, biological resource consumption and energy consumption data. The vegetation brightness index (VBI) and the filtered normalized difference built-up index (FNDBI) are proposed, and the overall classification accuracy reached 87% when combined with decision tree classification and visual interpretation methods. Based on the traditional ecological footprint method, a dynamic calculation method for the production factor is proposed. The ecological footprint, ecological carrying capacity, and ecological deficit/surplus of Borneo in 1990, 2000, and 2010 were then calculated, and a method for creating the corresponding grid-based spatial distribution map was proposed. The effects of human activities on land cover and ecological stress in Borneo from 1990 to 2010 were analyzed in this study. The results showed that the tropical rainforests of Borneo decreased by 13% over two decades and dramatically changed to shrublands, plantations, and arable land areas. The ecological pressure increased from the central mountains to the coastal plains, and ecological deficits appeared in the coastal zones with altitudes less than 150 m in the West Kalimantan, South Kalimantan, and Sabah regions, which indicated a trend of gradual expansion. Urban construction, plantations, logging, mining, forest fires, and other human activities have interfered with natural systems, and this has led to major pressures being placed on regional sustainable development and ecological security, as well as influencing the ecological stability of other global regions.



众所周知,土地覆盖和生态压力的变化反映了人类活动对区域环境的影响,也是可持续发展的指标。在这项研究中,婆罗洲被选为研究区域。数据来源于1990年,2000年和2010年获得的Landsat TM图像数据,SRTM DEM数据和DMSP / OLS夜间卫星数据,以及社会经济信息,包括区域人口,生物资源消耗和能源消耗数据。提出了植被亮度指数(VBI)和滤波归一化差异累积指数(FNDBI),结合决策树分类和视觉解释方法,总分类精度达到87%。基于传统的生态足迹方法,提出了生产要素动态计算方法。然后计算了婆罗洲在1990年,2000年和2010年的生态足迹,生态承载力和生态赤字/盈余,并提出了一种建立相应的基于网格的空间分布图的方法。本研究分析了1990年至2010年婆罗洲人类活动对土地覆盖和生态压力的影响。结果表明,婆罗洲的热带雨林在过去的20年中减少了13%,并急剧变化为灌木丛,人工林和耕地。从中部山区到沿海平原,生态压力不断增加,在西加里曼丹,南加里曼丹和沙巴州海拔低于150 m的沿海地区出现了生态赤字,这表明逐渐发展的趋势。城市建设,人工林,伐木,采矿,森林火灾和其他人类活动已经干扰了自然系统,这给区域可持续发展和生态安全带来了巨大压力,并影响了其他全球区域的生态稳定性。