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Considerations on the historic context surrounding the publications attributed to Denis & Schiffermüller
Nota Lepidopterologica ( IF 0.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-31 , DOI: 10.3897/nl.43.48374
Balázs Tóth , Gergely Katona , Zsolt Bálint

. In the second half of the 18th century, the influential Jesuit college named Theresianum ran an educational and scientific project for working systematically on the Lepidoptera occurring in the vicinity of Vienna, Austria. The teachers of the college prepared a document under the title “Ankündung eines systematischen Werkes von den Schmetterlingen der Wienergegend”, with the aim of informing the ecclesiastical and secular authorities about the goal of the enterprise. On the board of the Theresianum there were several Jesuits, who later were considered authorities concerning Lepidoptera, namely: Michael Denis SJ, Sigismund Hohenwart SJ, Ludwig Mitterpacher SJ, Matthias Piller SJ, and Ignaz Schiffermüller SJ. They were acknowledged by Lepidoptera patronyms in the “Ankündung”, which suggests that they may have been involved in this project. This “Ankündung” was mentioned in the book “Versuch eines Farbensystems” in 1771, which was authored by Ignaz Schiffermüller. Also from this book, it can be postulated that Ignaz Schiffermüller regarded himself as a responsible author or editor of the “Ankündung”. Printing of the “Ankündung” was delayed for unspecified reasons, the dissolution of the Jesuit order in 1773 may have been one of them. Subsequently, Ignaz Schiffermüller managed to circulate a limited number of copies of the “Ankündung” in 1775, and then the same document appeared before a wider audience under the new title “Systematisches Verzeichniss der Schmetterlinge der Wienergegend” in 1776. Both these publications were at the time and ever since attributed to Michael Denis and Ignaz Schiffermüller, because some subsequent citations considered these two Jesuits as the principal authors.



。在18世纪下半叶,颇具影响力的耶稣会学院名叫Theresianum进行了一项教育和科研项目,目的是系统地研究位于奥地利维也纳附近的鳞翅目。该学院的教师准备了一份文件,标题为“维恩根根大学的系统”,目的是向教会和世俗当局告知企业的目标。在Theresianum的董事会上,有几位耶稣会士,后来被认为是鳞翅目的权威,分别是:Michael Denis SJ,Sigismund Hohenwart SJ,Ludwig Mitterpacher SJ,Matthias Piller SJ和IgnazSchiffermüllerSJ。鳞翅目昆虫的庇护者在“Ankündung”中承认了它们,这表明它们可能参与了该项目。这个“Ankündung”在1771年由IgnazSchiffermüller撰写的《 Versuch eines Farbensystems》一书中被提及。同样从这本书中可以推论,伊格纳兹·希弗米勒(IgnazSchiffermüller)认为自己是《人民报》的负责任作者或编辑。由于不明原因,“Ankündung”的印刷被推迟了,1773年耶稣会的解散可能就是其中之一。随后,IgnazSchiffermüller设法在1775年发行了数量有限的“Ankündung”副本,然后在1776年以更名为“ Systematisches Verzeichniss der Schmetterlinge der Wienergegend”的新名称出现在更广泛的读者面前。这两种出版物都在从那时起,由于迈克尔·丹尼斯(Michael Denis)和伊格纳兹(IgnazSchiffermüller)