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Tuning the chiral edge states and unidirectional transmission by surface morphology of gyromagnetic photonic crystal
Journal of Optics ( IF 2.0 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-30 , DOI: 10.1088/2040-8986/aba3b4
Zhen Li 1, 2 , Hui Ma 2 , Rui-xin Wu 2 , Guo-zhong Wu 1

Though topologically protected one-way edge states are determined by the bulk mode of the magnetic photonic crystal (MPC), the edge profile can influence topological edge states and associated wave propagation since the waves at the states are localized at the edge of the photonic crystal. By truncating the honeycomb structured MPC at the same side but at different cuts, we show the MPC slab will present different topological edge band, and the associate transmission of a one-way surface wave will change a lot. We demonstrate the good transmission efficiency of the one-way surface wave needs a good field localization at the edge of MPC at the topological edge states, and bearded edge has better field localization ability than the zigzag one in a wider frequency range. In addition to the different cuts, one can modify the topological edge state by tuning the radius of outmost rods of the slab or the material parameters of the rods, which does not affect the topological state of t...


