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Wheeling Out Urban Resilience: Philanthrocapitalism, Marketization, and Local Practice
Annals of the American Association of Geographers ( IF 3.2 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-30 , DOI: 10.1080/24694452.2020.1774349
Sophie Webber 1 , Helga Leitner 2 , Eric Sheppard 2

In this article, we examine how urban resilience has emerged as a global urban policy project, offering solutions for cities about how they can adapt to and recover from shocks and stresses, particularly those associated with climate change. We conceptualize this as a multicentric global urban resilience complex, catalyzed until recently by the Rockefeller Foundation’s 100 Resilient Cities initiative in concert with the World Bank. The complex is comprised of three components: (1) a global network of foundations, multilateral agencies, nongovernmental organizations, and private-sector goods and services providers, wielding differential power and influence; (2) measurement and assessment devices that both mobilize and define resilience; and (3) initiatives to marketize urban resilience as producing a dividend also for private-sector firms and investors. Northern institutions define what should be done, downscaling this as a sequence of practices, participatory agenda setting, strategizing, and implementation to be followed by cities. Examining how the complex has come to ground in Semarang and Jakarta, Indonesia, we identify ways in which it is reproduced but also criticized and contested. If the complex in many ways is driven by philanthrocapitalist and neoliberal norms and aspirations, its programs also are subject to critique and contestations at the local scale.



在本文中,我们将探讨城市弹性如何作为全球城市政策项目而出现,为城市提供有关如何适应和从冲击和压力中恢复的解决方案,尤其是与气候变化有关的冲击和压力。我们将其概念化为多中心的全球城市弹性综合体,直到最近洛克菲勒基金会与世界银行共同发起的“ 100个具有弹性的城市”倡议才将其作为催化剂。该综合体由三个部分组成:(1)基金会,多边机构,非政府组织以及私营部门商品和服务提供商的全球网络,发挥着不同的权力和影响力;(2)既能动员又能确定弹性的测量和评估工具;(3)将城市适应力市场化的举措,也为私营企业和投资者带来红利。北方机构定义了应该做什么,将其缩减为一系列实践,参与性议程制定,战略制定和城市应遵循的实施。研究该复合体如何在印度尼西亚三宝垄和雅加达落成后,我们确定了该复合体的复制方式,同时也对其提出了批评和质疑。如果综合体在许多方面受到慈善资本家和新自由主义规范和抱负的驱动,那么其计划也将受到地方范围内的批评和争论。研究该复合体如何在印度尼西亚三宝垄和雅加达落成后,我们确定了该复合体的复制方式,同时也对其提出了批评和质疑。如果综合体在许多方面受到慈善资本主义和新自由主义规范和抱负的驱动,那么其计划也将受到地方范围内的批评和争论。研究该复合体如何在印度尼西亚三宝垄和雅加达落成后,我们确定了该复合体的复制方式,同时也对其提出了批评和质疑。如果综合体在许多方面受到慈善资本家和新自由主义规范和抱负的驱动,那么其计划也将受到地方范围内的批评和争论。
