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Jets from Tidal Disruption Events
New Astronomy Reviews ( IF 11.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.newar.2020.101538
Fabio De Colle , Wenbin Lu

The discovery of jets from tidal disruption events (TDEs) rejuvenated the old field of relativistic jets powered by accretion onto supermassive black holes. In this Chapter, we first review the extensive multi-wavelength observations of jetted TDEs. Then, we show that these events provide valuable information on many aspects of jet physics from a new prospective, including the on-and-off switch of jet launching, jet propagation through the ambient medium, $\gamma/$X-ray radiation mechanism, jet composition, and the multi-messenger picture. Finally, open questions and future prospects in this field are summarized.



潮汐干扰事件 (TDE) 喷流的发现使由吸积超大质量黑洞提供动力的相对论喷流的旧领域重新焕发活力。在本章中,我们首先回顾了喷射 TDE 的广泛多波长观测。然后,我们表明这些事件从一个新的角度提供了有关喷射物理学许多方面的宝贵信息,包括喷射发射的开关、喷射通过环境介质的传播、$\gamma/$X 射线辐射机制、喷气式构图和多信使图片。最后,总结了该领域的开放性问题和未来前景。