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Ecology of mesozooplankton across four North Atlantic basins
Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography ( IF 2.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-31 , DOI: 10.1016/j.dsr2.2020.104844
Espen Strand , Thor Klevjer , Tor Knutsen , Webjørn Melle

A comparative study of the mesozooplankton in four North Atlantic basins is presented. During a trans-Atlantic expedition with R/V G.O. Sars in May and June 2013, the Norwegian Sea, Iceland Sea, Irminger Sea and Labrador Sea was surveyed twice on a round trip from Bergen, Norway to Nuuk, Greenland. Mesozooplankton samples of biomass, species composition and vertical distribution were obtained with WP2 and MOCNESS plankton nets, in addition to in situ data obtained from a Video Plankton Recorder (VPR) and Optical Plankton Counter (OPC) mounted on a submersible towed vehicle. Size-fractionated biomass samples showed that the Norwegian Sea had the highest biomass of small mesozooplankton (180–1000 μm), while Irminger and Iceland Seas had the highest biomass of the medium (1000–2000 μm) and largest (>2000 μm) size fractions, respectively. The Icelandic Sea large fraction biomass was dominated by Amphipods, Chaetognaths, Krill and Calanus hyperboreus. The Labrador Sea had the lowest total mesozooplankton biomass. A total of 9 different species/groups were found to comprise the 5 most numerically dominant species/groups across all basins, with Oithona spp. being the most common genus in all basins. C. finmarchicus was, as expected, found to be the most numerically common species of the Calanus complex in all basins, but the stage composition varied markedly between basins with young copepodite stages dominating only in the Labrador and central Norwegian Seas. In terms of both abundance and biomass, the Iceland Sea had a higher fraction of dominating mesozooplankton distributed below 200 m. The highest average particle density per 25 m interval was registered in the Norwegian Sea during daytime between 25-50 m (OPC data). In the Labrador and Irminger Seas, total estimated particle densities in the upper 50 m were lower and the particle densities peaked at intermediate sizes (1–3 mm). In all basins there were differences in the particle densities estimated between day and night. Based on VPR data, the Irminger and Iceland Seas had the highest density of copepods registered in the upper 200 m, whereas in the Labrador Sea, the highest average copepod densities were registered at depth. Densities of gelatinous organisms were at least an order of magnitude higher in the Labrador and Irminger Seas than in the Iceland Sea.



提出了北大西洋四个盆地中生浮游动物的比较研究。在2013年5月和6月进行的R / V GO Sars跨大西洋考察中,从挪威卑尔根到格陵兰岛努克的往返行程两次对挪威海,冰岛海,艾明格海和拉布拉多海进行了调查。除原位外,还利用WP2和MOCNESS浮游生物网获得了中生浮游生物的生物量,物种组成和垂直分布样本。数据从安装在潜水拖曳车辆上的视频浮游生物记录仪(VPR)和光学浮游生物计数器(OPC)获得。按大小分级的生物量样本显示,挪威海中小型浮游动物的生物量最高(180-1000μm),而艾明格岛和冰岛海的中等生物量最高(1000-2000μm),最大(> 2000μm)分数。冰岛海洋大部分生物质是由端足目动物,毛颚,磷虾为主的中华哲hyperboreus。拉布拉多海的中层浮游生物总生物量最低。在所有盆地中发现了总共9个不同物种/组,其中5个是最显着的物种/组,其中Oithona spp。是所有盆地中最常见的属。芬氏梭菌正如预期的那样,发现它是卡兰努斯最常见的物种所有盆地都具有复杂的构造,但各阶段之间的阶段组成明显不同,仅在拉布拉多和挪威中部海域中存在年轻的角足类阶段。就丰度和生物量而言,冰岛海的中型浮游动物占主导地位,分布在200 m以下。在白天,挪威海中每25 m间隔的平均颗粒密度最高,介于25-50 m之间(OPC数据)。在拉布拉多和艾明格海,估计的最高50 m的颗粒密度较低,并且颗粒密度在中等大小(1-3 mm)达到峰值。在所有盆地中,白天和晚上之间估计的颗粒密度存在差异。根据VPR数据,在上方200 m处,艾明格海和冰岛海的co足类鱼类密度最高,而在拉布拉多海,最高的po足类平均密度在深处记录。拉布拉多和艾明格海的胶状生物的密度至少比冰岛海高一个数量级。
