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It’s not all about temperature: breeding success also affects nest design
Behavioral Ecology ( IF 2.5 ) Pub Date : 2020-05-20 , DOI: 10.1093/beheco/araa052
Sophie C Edwards 1 , Tanya T Shoot 2, 3 , R Jeffrey Martin 3, 4 , David F Sherry 2, 3, 4, 5 , Susan D Healy 1

There are numerous observational studies on intraspecific variation in avian nest building and a single experimental manipulation. The general consensus is that birds build nests in response to environmental conditions, but it is not clear whether such flexibility in nest building is reproductively advantageous. To test the relationship between building flexibility and reproductive success, we allowed captive zebra finches to build their first nest, using string, and to breed in temperature-controlled rooms held at 14 or 30 °C. Once the offspring had fledged, we returned half the pairs to breed at the same temperature while half the pairs were switched to the alternative temperature. We provided all pairs with string and left them to build and breed a second time. For their first nest, pairs that built at 14 °C used more string than did pairs that built at 30 °C, and pairs that bred successfully built a nest with more string than did unsuccessful pairs. When pairs built their second nest, however, temperature no longer explained the number of pieces of string they used; rather, irrespective of the ambient temperature, pairs that had successfully produced young from their first nest used the same amount of string for their second nest, whereas those that had failed to reproduce with their first nest used more string. These latter pairs were then more likely to reproduce successfully. Ambient temperature, therefore, did affect the nest the pairs built but only in the absence of reproductive experience.



有许多关于鸟类巢内种内变异的观察性研究和一次实验操作。人们普遍认为,鸟类是根据环境条件筑巢的,但尚不清楚巢构筑物的这种灵活性是否对繁殖有利。为了测试建筑灵活性和繁殖成功之间的关系,我们允许圈养的斑马雀用细绳建立第一个巢穴,并在温度保持在14或30°C的房间内繁殖。后代出雏后,我们将一半的配对返回相同的温度,而另一半则切换到其他温度。我们为所有配对提供了线,并让它们第二次繁殖。对于他们的第一个巢穴 在14°C下配对的成对比在30°C下配对的成对多,并且成功繁殖的成对配对比未成功配对的成对多。然而,当成对建立第二个巢穴时,温度不再能解释他们使用的弦的数量。相反,无论环境温度如何,从第一窝成功繁殖出幼龄的成对配对的第二窝都使用相同数量的线,而未能从第一窝繁殖成功的成对则使用更多的线。然后,这些后对更可能成功繁殖。因此,环境温度确实会影响成对的筑巢,但前提是没有繁殖经验。然而,当成对建立第二个巢穴时,温度不再能解释他们使用的弦的数量。相反,无论环境温度如何,从第一窝成功繁殖出幼龄的成对配对的第二窝都使用相同数量的线,而未能从第一窝繁殖成功的成对则使用更多的线。然后,这些后对更可能成功繁殖。因此,环境温度确实会影响成对的筑巢,但前提是没有繁殖经验。然而,当成对建立第二个巢穴时,温度不再能解释他们使用的弦的数量。相反,无论环境温度如何,从第一窝成功繁殖出幼龄的成对配对的第二窝都使用相同数量的线,而未能从第一窝繁殖成功的成对则使用更多的线。然后,这些后对更可能成功繁殖。因此,环境温度确实会影响成对的筑巢,但前提是没有繁殖经验。而那些未能在第一个巢穴中繁殖的人则使用更多的字符串。然后,这些后对更可能成功繁殖。因此,环境温度确实会影响成对的筑巢,但前提是没有繁殖经验。而那些未能在第一个巢穴中繁殖的人则使用更多的字符串。然后,这些后对更可能成功繁殖。因此,环境温度确实会影响成对的筑巢,但前提是没有繁殖经验。