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Paying for animal welfare? A hedonic analysis of egg prices
Agribusiness ( IF 2.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-30 , DOI: 10.1002/agr.21658
Tomislav Vukina 1 , Danijel Nestic 2

We investigate whether consumers are willing to pay a premium price for animal welfare attributes of foods they eat. To answer this question, we carry out a hedonic analysis of the retail eggs prices in Croatia. Scientific evidence clearly supports the notion that birds' wellbeing is higher in cage‐free systems than in a typical cage system. Therefore, there is a clear link between production systems and animal welfare. We use the retail level monthly data for 2017 on sales quantities and unit values of all fresh egg stock keeping units from all stores belonging to one of the largest retail chains in the country. The estimation results of the equilibrium hedonic price equation model shows that holding other attributes constant, the clean price premium for cage‐free eggs is 15 cents per 10‐egg carton or 7.8% of the retail price. Although the implicit price premium for cage‐free eggs is relatively modest, there are not that many people actually willing to buy them. Because only 2.2% of all eggs sold by the retail chain were actually cage‐free, the average per‐person willingness to pay for cage‐free eggs is only 0.3 cents for a 10‐egg carton [EconLit Citations: D12, L66, M31].



我们调查消费者是否愿意为他们所食用食物的动物福利属性支付高价。为了回答这个问题,我们对克罗地亚的鸡蛋零售价格进行了享乐主义的分析。科学证据清楚地支持了这样一种观念,即无笼系统的鸟类的福祉要高于典型的笼系统。因此,生产系统与动物福利之间存在明确的联系。我们使用2017年零售级别的月度数据,了解属于该国最大零售连锁店之一的所有商店的所有新鲜鸡蛋储藏单位的销量和单位价值。平衡享乐价格方程模型的估计结果表明,在保持其他属性不变的情况下,无笼蛋的清洁价格溢价为每10蛋纸盒15美分,或零售价的7.8%。尽管无笼鸡蛋的隐性价格溢价相对较低,但实际上并没有多少人愿意购买。因为零售连锁店出售的所有鸡蛋中只有2.2%实际上是无笼鸡蛋的,所以每10鸡蛋纸箱的人均支付无笼鸡蛋的意愿仅为0.3美分[EconLit引文:D12,L66,M31 ]。