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Protein-carbohydrate regulation and nutritionally mediated responses to Bt are affected by caterpillar population history.
Pest Management Science ( IF 3.8 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-29 , DOI: 10.1002/ps.6022
Ashley E Tessnow 1 , Spencer T Behmer 1, 2 , Gregory A Sword 1, 2

The widespread adoption of genetically modified crops, including Bacillius thuringensis (Bt) crops that target chewing insects, has transformed agricultural pest management. This increased use of Bt has raised concerns about the onset of resistance amongst target pests. Recent studies have shown that for some caterpillars, nutritional foraging (e.g. the ratio of proteins and carbohydrates consumed) can affect the insect susceptibility to the Bt toxin Cry1Ac. However, studies on both nutritional foraging and Bt susceptibility tend to rely on laboratory colonies without specifically addressing physiological differences that may occur between populations of the same species. Here, we used choice assays, no choice assays and dose response assays to address two overarching questions: Do populations of Spodoptera frugiperda (J.E. Smith) vary in their protein–carbohydrate foraging behavior? and Does protein–carbohydrate intake impact S. frugiperda's susceptibility to the Bt toxin Cry1F?



转基因作物的广泛采用,包括咀嚼昆虫为目标的苏云金芽胞杆菌Btilliant thuringensis,Bt)作物,已经改变了农业害虫的管理方式。Bt的增加使用引起了人们对目标害虫抗药性的担忧。最近的研究表明,对于某些毛虫,营养觅食(例如消耗的蛋白质和碳水化合物的比例)会影响昆虫对Bt毒素Cry1Ac的敏感性。但是,有关营养觅食和Bt敏感性的研究都倾向于依赖实验室菌落,而没有专门解决相同物种种群之间可能出现的生理差异。在这里,我们使用选择测定,无选择测定和剂量反应测定来解决两个总体问题:草地贪夜蛾(Sodoptera frugiperda)(JE Smith)的蛋白质-碳水化合物觅食行为有所不同吗?和不蛋白质碳水化合物的摄入量影响草地夜蛾的易感性Bt毒素的Cry1F?