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Acoustic signals produced by Nile tilapia Oreochromis niloticus and black-chinned tilapia Sarotherodon melanotheron during intra- and interspecific pairings
Zoology ( IF 1.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-12-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.zool.2020.125831
Dieudonné Djétouan Akian 1 , Kouakou Yao 2 , Eric Parmentier 3 , Lucette Joassard 4 , Frédéric Clota 5 , Jean-François Baroiller 6 , Paul Lozano 6 , Béatrice Chatain 7 , Marie-Laure Bégout 8

We characterised, for the first-time, the sound production of black-chinned tilapia Sarotherodon melanotheron and show differences with that of Nile tilapia Oreochromis niloticus in a hybridization pairing context. Although both species were able to produce drum sounds, they showed different acoustic features. Drum sounds were produced in aggressive (chasing or lateral attack) and non-aggressive (courtship) contexts by O. niloticus but only in aggressive situations (fleeing or avoidance) by S. melanotheron. The second type of sounds produced by O. niloticus were grunts, produced in both aggressive (chasing and after biting) and non-aggressive contexts (nest building). The second type of sound produced by S. melanotheron was a rolling sound, produced only during courtship. Each species was able to produce common sounds (drum) and species-specific sounds (grunts and rolling). This implies that species can communicate without being able to understand each other because the sounds emitted may probably have different significance. Drumming corresponded only to aggressivity in S. melanotheron, whereas this was not true for O. niloticus. 11-ketotestosterone (11-kt) levels were significantly higher in male O. niloticus than male S. melanotheron, but there was no significant correlation between 11-kt or estradiol concentrations and the number of sounds produced in aggressive or non-aggressive behavioural contexts in either species. During interspecies interactions, O. niloticus drum sounds are likely considered to be aggressive by S. melanotheron and could potentially constitute a reproductive barrier between the two species.


尼罗罗非鱼 Oreochromis niloticus 和黑颏罗非鱼 Sarotherodon melanotheron 在种内和种间配对期间产生的声信号

我们首次表征了黑下巴罗非鱼 Sarotherodon melanotheron 的声音产生,并在杂交配对环境中显示了与尼罗罗非鱼 Oreochromis niloticus 的声音产生的差异。虽然这两个物种都能够发出鼓声,但它们表现出不同的声学特征。鼓声由 O. niloticus 在攻击性(追逐或横向攻击)和非攻击性(求爱)环境中产生,但仅在 S. melanotheron 的攻击性情况(逃跑或躲避)中产生。O. niloticus 产生的第二种声音是咕噜声,在攻击性(追逐和咬后)和非攻击性环境(筑巢)中产生。S. melanotheron 产生的第二种声音是滚动声音,仅在求偶期间产生。每个物种都能够发出常见的声音(鼓声)和特定物种的声音(咕噜声和滚动声)。这意味着物种可以在无法相互理解的情况下进行交流,因为发出的声音可能具有不同的意义。击鼓声仅对应于 S. melanotheron 的攻击性,而 O. niloticus 则不然。雄性尼罗罗非鱼的 11-酮睾酮 (11-kt) 水平显着高于雄性黑色素罗非鱼,但 11-kt 或雌二醇浓度与攻击性或非攻击性行为环境中产生的声音数量之间没有显着相关性在任一物种中。在种间相互作用期间,O. niloticus 的鼓声可能被 S. 认为具有攻击性。