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Taxonomic study of nine new Winogradskyella species occurring in the shallow waters of Helgoland Roads, North Sea. Proposal of Winogradskyella schleiferi sp. nov., Winogradskyella costae sp. nov., Winogradskyella helgolandensis sp. nov., Winogradskyella vidalii sp. nov., Winogradskyella forsetii sp. nov., Winogradskyella ludwigii sp. nov., Winogradskyella ursingii sp. nov., Winogradskyella wichelsiae sp. nov., and Candidatus “Winogradskyella atlantica” sp. nov.
Systematic and Applied Microbiology ( IF 3.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-30 , DOI: 10.1016/j.syapm.2020.126128
Carlota Alejandre-Colomo , Tomeu Viver , Mercedes Urdiain , Ben Francis , Jens Harder , Peter Kämpfer , Rudolf Amann , Ramon Rosselló-Móra

Evaluation of bacterial succession with cultivation-dependent strategies during a spring phytoplankton bloom in the North Sea led to the isolation of 41 strains that affiliated with the genus Winogradskyella. Fifteen of the strains were selected for a taxonomic study after discarding clonal cultures. A thorough phylogenetic, genomic and phenotypic analysis of the isolates indicated that they represented eight new species that coexisted in North Sea waters. Molecular data revealed the existence of an as yet uncultivated novel species recurrently binned from the North Sea metagenomes. The metagenome-assembled genomes (MAGs) of this new Winogradskyella were used to classify it as a new Candidatus species. This study represented a new example of the use of the tandem approach of whole cell mass spectrometry linked to 16S rRNA gene sequencing in order to facilitate the discovery of new taxa by high-throughput cultivation, which increases the probability of finding more than a single isolate for new species. In addition, we demonstrated the reasons for classifying MAGs representing recurrently retrieved heterotrophic species that evade cultivation even after an important high-throughput effort. The taxonomic study resulted in the classification of eight new species and one new Candidatus species of the genus Winogradskyella for which we propose the names W. schleiferi sp. nov., W. costae sp. nov., W. helgolandensis sp. nov., W. vidalii sp. nov., W. forsetii sp. nov., W. ludwigii sp. nov., W. ursingii sp. nov., W. wichelsiae sp. nov., and Candidatus “W. atlantica” sp. nov.


在北海Helgoland Roads浅水区发生的9种新Winogradskyella物种的分类研究。schnoiferi sp。的提案 十一月,Winogradskyella costae sp。十一月Winogradskyella helgolandensis sp。十一月,Winogradskyella vidalii sp.。十一月Winogradskyella forsetii sp。十一月,Winogradskyella ludwigii sp.。十一月温诺格拉斯基伞菌十一月Winogradskyella wichelsiae sp.。十一月,和暂定“Winogradskyella王者” SP。十一月

在北海春季浮游植物开花期间,通过培养依赖性策略评估细菌演替导致分离出与Winogradskyella属相关的41个菌株丢弃克隆培养物后,选择了十五个菌株进行分类研究。对该菌株进行了全面的系统发育,基因组和表型分析,结果表明它们代表了北海水域中共存的八个新物种。分子数据揭示了从北海基因组中回收的尚未被培养的新物种的存在。这个新的Winogradskyella的由基因组组装的基因组(MAGs)被分类为新的念珠菌种类。这项研究代表了将全细胞质谱串联方法与16S rRNA基因测序联用的一个新实例,以促进通过高通量培养发现新的分类单元,这增加了发现多个分离株的可能性。对于新物种。此外,我们证明了分类MAG的原因,这些MAG代表即使经过重要的高通量努力,仍能逃避耕作的,经常回收的异养物种。在分类学研究产生了八个新种和一个新的分类暂定属种Winogradskyella为此我们提出了名字W. schleiferi SP。十一月,W. costae sp。Helgolandensis,11sp。十一月,W. vidalii sp。十一月W. forsetii sp。十一月,W。ludwigii sp.。十一月W。ursingii sp。十一月W. wichelsiae sp。十一月,以及Candidatus “ W. 大西洋”。十一月
