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Increasing marine ecosystems conservation linking marine protected areas and integrated coastal management in southern Cuba
Ocean & Coastal Management ( IF 4.8 ) Pub Date : 2020-10-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.ocecoaman.2020.105300
Susana Perera-Valderrama , Aylem Hernández-Ávila , Hakna Ferro-Azcona , Dorka Cobián-Rojas , Juliett González-Méndez , Hansel Caballero-Aragón , Elena de la Guardia-Llansó , Adonis Ramón-Puebla , Zaimiuri Hernández-González , Leonardo Espinosa-Pantoja , Ariagna Lara

Abstract The southern archipelagos of Cuba comprise important ecosystems of mangrove, seagrass beds, and coral reefs of regional significance. Biodiversity and fisheries stocks in this area experienced a severe decline due to a combination of factors (overfishing, habitat degradation, climate change). This work presents the main impacts of the project “Southern Archipelagos”, led by the National Center of Protected Areas of Cuba and funded by GEF, between 2009 and 2015 and the trends of the indicators of success. The project contributed to the conservation of marine biodiversity in Cuba through the creation of 12 new marine protected areas (MPAs). “Southern Archipelagos” facilitated the inclusion of the new and existing MPAs in Integrated Coastal Management Zones (ICMZs), thus contributing to buffering the impacts of productive activities and strengthening the integration between the conservation and productive sectors. Studies were conducted to characterize the MPAs and monitoring programs for priority species and ecosystems were implemented, increasing the knowledge available for decision-making about marine species and ecosystems in the region. To guarantee the financial sustainability of MPAs, a strategy for sustainable tourism was developed and a series of studies on the economic value of the goods and services offered by ecosystems were conducted. Different training programs for local leaders, MPAs workers and workers of productive sectors were organized. Sustainable productive alternatives were implemented in several communities diversifying the economic activities of local people. As a result, revenues from a representative sample of 12 MPAs of the project increased in the two currencies that are managed in Cuba.



摘要 古巴南部群岛包括重要的红树林、海草床和具有区域意义的珊瑚礁生态系统。由于多种因素(过度捕捞、栖息地退化、气候变化),该地区的生物多样性和渔业资源严重下降。这项工作介绍了由古巴国家保护区中心领导并由 GEF 资助的“南部群岛”项目在 2009 年至 2015 年期间的主要影响以及成功指标的趋势。该项目通过创建 12 个新的海洋保护区 (MPA),为保护古巴的海洋生物多样性做出了贡献。“南部群岛”促进将新的和现有的海洋保护区纳入沿海综合管理区 (ICMZ),从而有助于缓冲生产活动的影响并加强保护和生产部门之间的整合。研究了海洋保护区的特征,并实施了优先物种和生态系统的监测计划,增加了可用于该地区海洋物​​种和生态系统决策的知识。为保证海洋保护区的财务可持续性,制定了可持续旅游战略,并对生态系统提供的商品和服务的经济价值进行了一系列研究。为地方领导人、海洋保护区工人和生产部门的工人组织了不同的培训计划。一些社区实施了可持续的生产替代方案,使当地人民的经济活动多样化。因此,