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Magnetic Survey for Iron-Oxide-Copper-Gold (IOCG) and Alkali Calcic Alteration Signatures in Gadarwara, M.P, India: Implications on Copper Metallogeny
Minerals ( IF 2.2 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-29 , DOI: 10.3390/min10080671
P.V. Sunder Raju , K. Satish Kumar

A government airborne geophysical survey flown in the late 1970s detected a large Magnetic anomaly at Gadarwara, Madhya Pradesh, in north-central India. Deep drilling indicates that the oval-shaped Magnetic anomaly is caused by underlying Magnetite-bearing banded iron formation belonging to the Mahakoshal Formation of Archean to Early Proterozoic age. The anomaly is hosted in a tectonic rift zone (Narmada-Son Lineament). After drilling alluvium up to 312 m thick, rocks intersected to depths of 612 m provided core samples for research. Broadly speaking, the samples contain banded hematite jaspilite (BHJ) and banded Magnetite (BM) iron formation with pervasive carbonate alterations. Three vertical diamond drill holes were drilled along a 1.4 km long N-S transect across the center of the geophysical anomaly. DDH-1, near the northern edge of the anomaly, went through 309 m of alluvium before intersecting bedrock and then cored 303 m of bedrock for a total depth of 612 m. Copper mineralization with appreciable amounts of cobalt, zinc, molybdenum, silver, rare earth elements, uranium and other elements was intersected. The litho-units are highly oxidised and intensely brecciated with hydrothermal overprinting of Na-K metasomatism alteration mineralogy. The second borehole, DDH-2 failed as the core drilling bit stuck in the alluvium and further drilling was abandoned, whereas the third borehole DDH-3 didnot intersect a Magnetite-hematite association and cored only siltstone. Two-dimensional model studies suggest that the signature of high Magnetic anomaly is at a depth of 0.4 km from the surface, with a width of 3.5 km, dipping at 45 in a northerly direction. The causative body has a Magnetic susceptibility of 0.0052 C.G.S. units, suggestive of a hematite with quartz veinlets lithology. Based on predictive Magnetic exploration models for Iron-Oxide-Copper-Gold (IOCG), such deposits can be inferred from geological observations combined with petrophysical data and forward modelling of the observed Magnetic signatures. This paper reports a prospective IOCG-like mineralization style hosted in a rift (Narmada-Son) type of tectonic environment.



1970年代后期进行的一次政府航空地球物理勘测在印度中北部的中央邦加达沃拉发现了一个较大的磁异常。深层钻探表明,椭圆形的磁异常是由属于太古宙至元古代的玛哈科沙尔组的含磁铁矿的带状铁层形成的。异常存在于构造裂谷带(Narmada-Son Lineament)。在钻探厚达312 m的冲积层后,相交至612 m深度的岩石为研究提供了核心样品。从广义上讲,样品包含带状赤铁矿碧玉(BHJ)和带状磁铁矿(BM)铁形成,并伴有普遍的碳酸盐蚀变。沿着地球物理异常中心沿着1.4公里长的NS断面钻了三个垂直的金刚石钻孔。DDH-1,在距异常北部边缘较近的地方,在与基岩相交之前先经过309 m的冲积层,然后再挖去303 m的基岩,总深度为612 m。相交的铜矿化过程中含有大量的钴,锌,钼,银,稀土元素,铀和其他元素。岩石单元被高度氧化,并与Na-K交代作用改变矿物学的热液叠印强烈地角砾化。第二个钻孔DDH-2失败,原因是岩心钻头卡在了冲积层中,并且放弃了进一步钻探,而第三个钻孔DDH-3没有与磁铁矿-赤铁矿结合相交,仅使粉砂岩成核。二维模型研究表明,高磁异常的特征是距地表的深度为0.4 km,宽度为3.5 km,倾角为45 在与基岩相交之前先经过309 m的冲积层,然后再挖去303 m的基岩,总深度为612 m。将铜矿化与大量钴,锌,钼,银,稀土元素,铀和其他元素相交。岩石单元被高度氧化,并与Na-K交代作用改变矿物学的热液叠印强烈地角砾化。第二个钻孔DDH-2失败,因为岩心钻头卡在了冲积层中,并且放弃了进一步钻探,而第三个钻孔DDH-3没有与磁铁矿-赤铁矿组合相交,仅使粉砂岩成核。二维模型研究表明,高磁异常的特征是距地表的深度为0.4 km,宽度为3.5 km,倾角为45 在与基岩相交之前先经过309 m的冲积层,然后再挖去303 m的基岩,总深度为612 m。将铜矿化与大量钴,锌,钼,银,稀土元素,铀和其他元素相交。岩石单元被高度氧化,并与Na-K交代作用改变矿物学的热液叠印强烈地角砾化。第二个钻孔DDH-2失败,原因是岩心钻头卡在了冲积层中,并且放弃了进一步钻探,而第三个钻孔DDH-3没有与磁铁矿-赤铁矿结合相交,仅使粉砂岩成核。二维模型研究表明,高磁异常的特征是距地表的深度为0.4 km,宽度为3.5 km,倾角为45 将铜矿化与大量钴,锌,钼,银,稀土元素,铀和其他元素相交。岩石单元被高度氧化,并与Na-K交代作用改变矿物学的热液叠印强烈地角砾化。第二个钻孔DDH-2失败,原因是岩心钻头卡在了冲积层中,并且放弃了进一步钻探,而第三个钻孔DDH-3没有与磁铁矿-赤铁矿结合相交,仅使粉砂岩成核。二维模型研究表明,高磁异常的特征是距地表的深度为0.4 km,宽度为3.5 km,倾角为45 将铜矿化与大量钴,锌,钼,银,稀土元素,铀和其他元素相交。岩石单元被高度氧化,并与Na-K交代作用改变矿物学的热液叠印强烈地角砾化。第二个钻孔DDH-2失败,原因是岩心钻头卡在了冲积层中,并且放弃了进一步钻探,而第三个钻孔DDH-3没有与磁铁矿-赤铁矿结合相交,仅使粉砂岩成核。二维模型研究表明,高磁异常的特征是距地表的深度为0.4 km,深度为3.5 km,倾角为45 岩石单元被高度氧化,并与Na-K交代作用改变矿物学的热液叠印强烈地角砾化。第二个钻孔DDH-2失败,原因是岩心钻头卡在了冲积层中,并且放弃了进一步钻探,而第三个钻孔DDH-3没有与磁铁矿-赤铁矿结合相交,仅使粉砂岩成核。二维模型研究表明,高磁异常的特征是距地表的深度为0.4 km,宽度为3.5 km,倾角为45 岩石单元被高度氧化,并与Na-K交代作用改变矿物学的热液叠印强烈地角砾化。第二个钻孔DDH-2失败,原因是岩心钻头卡在了冲积层中,并且放弃了进一步钻探,而第三个钻孔DDH-3没有与磁铁矿-赤铁矿结合相交,仅使粉砂岩成核。二维模型研究表明,高磁异常的特征是距地表的深度为0.4 km,宽度为3.5 km,倾角为45向北。致病体的磁化率为0.0052 CGS单位,表明赤铁矿具有石英脉石性。基于氧化铁-铜-金(IOCG)的预测性磁勘探模型,可以从地质观测结果与岩石物理数据相结合并对观测到的磁特征进行正向建模来推断此类矿床。本文报道了在裂谷(Narmada-Son)类型的构造环境中具有前瞻性的类似于IOCG的矿化样式。