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Rodents and other micromammals from the Pleistocene strata in Excavation 1 at Wonderwerk Cave, South Africa: A work in progress
Quaternary International ( IF 1.9 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-29 , DOI: 10.1016/j.quaint.2020.07.024
D. Margaret Avery

This preliminary report concerns the micromammalian remains recovered from the Pleistocene strata in Excavation 1 at Wonderwerk Cave by Peter B. Beaumont during the 1980s and early 1990s. Because of the large size of the samples (170 656 specimens representing a minimum of 71 304 individuals), identification has so far only been taken to the generic level. Remains belonging to 34, and possibly 36, genera in five Orders have been identified, and there could be as many as 48 species represented. The uneven horizontal distribution of material throughout the excavation indicates probable roost or nest sites of Barn owls (Tyto alba), which is the most likely predator responsible for their accumulation. There is also considerable vertical variation in the amount of material in the different levels, which indicates that the predators were not consistently present in the area throughout the period represented by the deposits. In the majority of the samples, Gerbillinae (Gerbilliscus, gerbils) are best represented when supra-generic groupings are used. This suggests that conditions were reasonably arid during the periods represented by the samples but not necessarily throughout the entire period spanned by the deposits. When original groupings (genus and above) are considered, Otomyinae (Otomys spp., vlei rats) predominate in nearly half the samples. Secondarily important prey taxa are shrews (Soricidae), rats and mice (Murinae) and elephant shrews (Macroscelididae). This implies some variation in environmental conditions over time but more detailed interpretations must await further analysis. In particular it is imperative to identify the species of Gerbilliscus and Otomys before progress can be made. A range of techniques is now available to assist with interpreting the samples to their full potential once this has been done.


来自南非 Wonderwerk Cave 发掘 1 中更新世地层的啮齿动物和其他微型哺乳动物:一项正在进行的工作

这份初步报告涉及 Peter B. Beaumont 在 1980 年代和 1990 年代初期从 Wonderwerk Cave 的挖掘 1 中的更新世地层中恢复的微型哺乳动物遗骸。由于样本量很大(170 656 个样本代表至少 71 304 个人),迄今为止的鉴定只进行了一般水平。已确定属于 5 个目的 34 个,可能还有 36 个属的遗骸,可能有多达 48 个物种。整个挖掘过程中材料的不均匀水平分布表明谷仓猫头鹰(Tyto alba),这是最有可能对它们的积累负责的捕食者。不同层次的物质数量也有相当大的垂直变化,这表明在以沉积物为代表的整个时期内,捕食者并非始终存在于该区域。在大多数样本中,当使用超通用分组时,沙鼠亚科 ( Gerbillis c us , gerbils) 最能代表。这表明在样本所代表的时期内条件是相当干旱的,但不一定在沉积物跨越的整个时期内。当考虑原始分组(属及以上)时,Otomyinae ( Otomysspp., vlei 大鼠)在近一半的样本中占主导地位。其次重要的猎物分类群是鼩鼱 (Soricidae)、大鼠和小鼠 (Murinae) 和象鼩 (Macroscelididae)。这意味着随着时间的推移,环境条件会发生一些变化,但更详细的解释必须等待进一步分析。尤其当务之急是确定的物种GerbilliscusOtomys进步才能进行。一旦完成,现在可以使用一系列技术来帮助解释样本的全部潜力。
