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Planetary systems in a star cluster II: intermediate-mass black holes and planetary systems
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society ( IF 4.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-27 , DOI: 10.1093/mnras/staa2188
Francesco Flammini Dotti 1, 2 , M B N Kouwenhoven 1 , Qi Shu 3, 4 , Wei Hao 5 , Rainer Spurzem 3, 6, 7

Most stars form in dense stellar environments. It is speculated that some dense star clusters may host intermediate-mass black holes (IMBHs), which may have formed from runaway collisions between high-mass stars, or from the mergers of less massive black holes. Here, we numerically explore the evolution of populations of planets in star clusters with an IMBH. We study the dynamical evolution of single-planet systems and free-floating planets, over a period of 100~Myr, in star clusters without an IMBH, and in clusters with a central IMBH of mass $100~M_\odot$ or $200~M_\odot$. In the central region ($r\lesssim 0.2$~pc), the IMBH's tidal influence on planetary systems is typically 10~times stronger than the average neighbour star. For a star cluster with a $200M_\odot$ IMBH, the region in which the IMBH's influence is stronger within the virial radius ($\sim 1$~pc). The IMBH quenches mass segregation, and the stars in the core tend to move towards intermediate regions. The ejection rate of both stars and planets is higher when an IMBH is present. The rate at which planets are expelled from their host star rate is higher for clusters with higher IMBH masses, for $t<0.5 t_{rh}$, while remains mostly constant while the star cluster fills its Roche lobe, similar to a star cluster without an IMBH. The disruption rate of planetary systems is higher in initially denser clusters, and for wider planetary orbits, but this rate is substantially enhanced by the presence of a central IMBH.



大多数恒星形成于密集的恒星环境中。据推测,一些致密的星团可能拥有中等质量的黑洞(IMBH),它们可能是由大质量恒星之间的失控碰撞形成的,或者是由质量较小的黑洞合并形成的。在这里,我们用 IMBH 数值探索了星团中行星种群的演化。我们研究了单行星系统和自由漂浮行星的动力学演化,在 100~Myr 的时间内,在没有 IMBH 的星团中,以及在质量为 $100~M_\odot$ 或 $200~M_ 的中心 IMBH 的星团中\dot$。在中心区域($r\lesssim 0.2$~pc),IMBH 对行星系统的潮汐影响通常比普通相邻恒星强 10~倍。对于具有 $200M_\odot$ IMBH 的星团,IMBH' 所在的区域 s 影响在维里半径内更强($\sim 1$~pc)。IMBH 抑制了质量偏析,核心中的恒星倾向于向中间区域移动。当存在 IMBH 时,恒星和行星的抛射率更高。对于具有较高 IMBH 质量的星团,行星从其宿主恒星中被驱逐的速率较高,$t<0.5 t_{rh}$,而在星团填充其罗氏瓣时基本保持不变,类似于星团没有IMBH。在最初密度较大的星团和更宽的行星轨道中,行星系统的破坏率更高,但由于中央 IMBH 的存在,这一速度大大提高。当存在 IMBH 时,恒星和行星的抛射率更高。对于具有较高 IMBH 质量的星团,行星从其宿主恒星中被驱逐的速率较高,$t<0.5 t_{rh}$,而在星团填充其罗氏瓣时基本保持不变,类似于星团没有IMBH。在最初密度较大的星团和更宽的行星轨道中,行星系统的破坏率更高,但由于中央 IMBH 的存在,这一速度大大提高。当存在 IMBH 时,恒星和行星的抛射率更高。对于具有较高 IMBH 质量的星团,行星从其宿主恒星中被驱逐的速率较高,$t<0.5 t_{rh}$,而在星团填充其罗氏瓣时基本保持不变,类似于星团没有IMBH。在最初密度较大的星团和更宽的行星轨道中,行星系统的破坏率更高,但由于中央 IMBH 的存在,这一速度大大提高。