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Self-thinning process, dynamics of aboveground biomass, and stand structure in overcrowded mangrove Kandelia obovata stand
Regional Studies in Marine Science ( IF 2.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-28 , DOI: 10.1016/j.rsma.2020.101375
Mouctar Kamara , Md. Kamruzzaman

Stand structure and aboveground biomass dynamics of overcrowded Kandelia obovata forest under self-thinning were investigated at Manko Wetland. Self-thinning process was accompanied by changes in aboveground biomass dynamics and stand structure. Aboveground biomass was not completely constant as the stand grew because death and growth of trees occurred at the same time. However, the values of Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient of w significantly differed from zero (p<0.01). Therefore, aboveground biomass of overcrowded K. obovata stands was constantly changing as the stands continued to grow, showing that the death of trees was not random (only small trees died). Most of the frequency distributions b1 of tree height H was J-shaped indicating that the variation of H became small with stand growth, and finally all trees reached almost a similar height. The b1-values of aboveground biomass w and stem diameter at H/10 of tree height D¯0.1H were positive indicating that most of the frequency distributions of w and D0.1H were L-shaped. On the other hand, SD of D0.1H was constant, which means that stem diameter did not vary that much during the study period. Stem diameter and tree height showed an independent dynamic for each other. Size variation among individuals was very high, but tended to be reduced as the stand grew. Mean total aboveground biomass of the studied stands ranged from 68.8113.2 Mg ha−1 yr−1. The biomass production of the mangrove forest near the northern limit of its biogeographical distribution in Okinawa Island was higher comparing with others mangrove forests, and was influenced by size inequality of the individuals in the stands. Self-thinning process acts as a regulatory mechanism that is necessary for an overcrowded stand to assure sufficient seed for the next generation and enhance biomass.


过度拥挤的红树林Kandelia obovata林分的自稀化过程,地上生物量动态和林分结构

林分结构和人满为患的地上生物量动态水笔仔下自疏林在Manko湿地进行了调查。自稀过程伴随着地上生物量动态和林分结构的变化。随着林分生长,地上生物量并不是完全恒定的,因为树木的死亡和生长是同时发生的。但是,Spearman的秩相关系数为w 明显不同于零(p<001)。因此,随着林分持续生长,过度拥挤的阔叶乔木林地上的生物量不断变化,这表明树木的死亡不是随机的(只有小树死亡)。大多数频率分布b1个 树高 H 呈J形,表明 H随着林分生长而变小,最后所有树木都达到了差不多的高度。的b1个地上生物量的价值 w和茎直径在树高的H / 10处d¯01个H 是正的,表明大多数频率分布 wd01个H呈L形 另一方面,SDd01个H是恒定的,这意味着在研究期间,茎的直径变化不大。茎的直径和树的高度显示出彼此独立的动态。个体之间的大小差异非常大,但随着林分生长而趋于减小。研究林分的平均地上总生物量为68.8113.2 Mg ha -1 yr -1。冲绳岛生物地理分布的北限附近的红树林生物量产量高于其他红树林,并且受林分个体个体大小不平等的影响。自稀过程是调节机制,对于过度拥挤的林分必不可少,以确保下一代有足够的种子并增强生物量。
