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Evolutionary game dynamics of combining the payoff-driven and conformity-driven update rules
Chaos, Solitons & Fractals ( IF 5.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-28 , DOI: 10.1016/j.chaos.2020.110146
Jingyan Lin , Changwei Huang , Qionglin Dai , Junzhong Yang

Conformity has been found to play a significant role in promoting cooperation. In this paper, we propose a spatial prisoner’s dilemma game with a novel strategy updating rule, combining the payoff-driven and conformity-driven update rules. For the noise strengths κ1=κ2=0.1, our results reveal that the dynamics of this model is always absorbed into the frozen state. Three phases are appeared in the order of full cooperators, bistability and full defectors with increasing temptation to defect b. In the bistability phase, the dynamics can evolve into either a full-cooperator state or full-defector state, and the final steady states of the model are mainly determined by the synchronous expanding along the smooth boundaries of the cooperator clusters. Moreover, the full κb phase diagram is illustrated to explore the effects of noise on the evolution of cooperation in the proposed model, and the bell-shape phase diagrams indicate that there exists an optimal uncertainty for the emergence and maintenance of cooperation. Furthermore, the effects of distinct κ1 and κ2 on the evolution of cooperation have also been investigated. Interestingly, the coexistence of cooperators and defectors could be found in appropriate parameter regions. In addition, we also consider another way to integrate the payoff-driven and conformity-driven strategy updating rules, and the outcomes clearly show that the evolution of cooperation can be significantly enhanced within an optimal region of conformity strength. These observations enrich our knowledge of the evolution of cooperation in the games when the payoff-driven and conformity-driven update rules are combined.



发现整合在促进合作中起着重要作用。在本文中,我们提出了一种具有新颖策略更新规则的空间囚徒困境游戏,该策略将收益驱动的和整合驱动的更新规则相结合。对于噪音强度κ1个=κ2=0.1我们的结果表明,该模型的动力学始终被吸收到冻结状态。按照完全合作者,双稳态和完全叛逃者的顺序出现了三个阶段,对缺陷b的诱惑越来越大。在双稳态阶段,动力学可以演变为完全合作者状态或完全偏转者状态,模型的最终稳态主要由沿着合作者群集的平滑边界的同步扩展来确定。而且,全κ-b相位图说明了在模型中探索噪声对合作演变的影响,钟形相位图表明存在最佳的不确定性来维持和维持合作。此外,不同的效果κ 1κ 2关于合作的演变也已经进行了调查。有趣的是,可以在适当的参数区域中找到合作者和叛逃者的共存。此外,我们还考虑了另一种整合收益驱动和整合驱动的策略更新规则的方法,结果清楚地表明,在整合能力的最佳区域内,合作的发展可以得到显着增强。当收益驱动和整合驱动的更新规则相结合时,这些观察丰富了我们对游戏合作演变的知识。
