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Susceptibility of ten tomato cultivars to attack by Tetranychus evansi Baker & Pritchard (Acari: Tetranychidae) under laboratory conditions
International Journal of Tropical Insect Science ( IF 1.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-28 , DOI: 10.1007/s42690-020-00221-9
R. Djossou , G. Y. Azandémè-Hounmalon , A. Onzo , D. Gnanvossou , F. Assogba-Komlan , M. Tamò

We evaluated, in a laboratory experiment, the susceptibility of 10 tomato cultivars to the attack by the tomato red spider mite Tetranychus evansi, an invasive pest of this crop in Benin. Among the 10 cultivars tested, six were imported (i.e. Roma VF, Tima, Rio Grande, Buffalo, Petomech, and TLCV15) and four local (i.e. Akikon, Tounvi, TomL4, and Kekefo). Leaf disks (2.5 cm diameter) excised from leaves of tested cultivars, and placed upper side down on top of water-soaked cotton wool laying in 9.5 cm diameter Petri dishes (6 leaf disks per Petri dish), served both as experimental units and feeding source for the mites. Mites were individually placed on leaf disks of each cultivar and several biological parameters – development, reproductive parameters and longevity – were assessed. The experiments were performed at 27 ± 1 °C, 65–70% RH, and 12:12 h (L: D) photoperiod. Our results revealed significant effects of tomato cultivars on several biological parameters of T. evansi, especially the developmental time of the egg stage (P ˂ 0.0001), and the larval stage (P = 0.0113), as well as female oviposition period (P = 0.0002). Likewise, female longevity (P = 0.0095) and fecundity (i.e. egg/♀, P = 0.0055) were significantly affected. The sex-ratio of the progeny was generally similar for all the cultivars except for Buffalo and Tounvi on which most juveniles did not develop beyond the larval stage. These two cultivars appeared as potential tomato cultivars for implementation of IPM strategies for the control of T. evansi.


十个番茄品种在实验室条件下对 Tetranychus evansi Baker & Pritchard (Acari: Tetranychidae) 攻击的敏感性

我们在实验室实验中评估了 10 个番茄品种对番茄红叶螨 Tetranychus evansi 攻击的敏感性,这是贝宁该作物的一种入侵性害虫。在测试的 10 个品种中,6 个是进口的(即 Roma VF、Tima、Rio Grande、Buffalo、Petomech 和 TLCV15)和 4 个本地品种(即 Akikon、Tounvi、TomL4 和 Kekefo)。从测试品种的叶子上切下叶盘(直径 2.5 厘米),将上面朝下放在铺有 9.5 厘米直径培养皿(每个培养皿 6 个叶盘)中的浸水棉绒上,用作实验单元和饲养螨虫的来源。螨虫被单独放置在每个品种的叶盘上,并评估了几个生物学参数——发育、繁殖参数和寿命。实验在 27 ± 1 °C、65–70% RH 和 12 下进行:12 小时 (L: D) 光周期。我们的结果揭示了番茄品种对 T. evansi 的几个生物学参数的显着影响,尤其是卵期 (P ˂ 0.0001) 和幼虫期 (P = 0.0113) 的发育时间,以及雌性产卵期 (P = 0.0002)。同样,女性寿命(P = 0.0095)和繁殖力(即卵/♀,P = 0.0055)也受到显着影响。除了 Buffalo 和 Tounvi 之外,所有品种的后代的性别比例大体相似,在这些品种上,大多数幼鱼不会发育超过幼虫阶段。这两个品种似乎是实施 IPM 策略以控制 T. evansi 的潜在番茄品种。特别是卵期(P ˂ 0.0001)和幼虫期(P = 0.0113)以及雌性产卵期(P = 0.0002)的发育时间。同样,女性寿命(P = 0.0095)和繁殖力(即卵/♀,P = 0.0055)也受到显着影响。除了 Buffalo 和 Tounvi 之外,所有品种的后代的性别比例大体相似,在这些品种上,大多数幼鱼不会发育超过幼虫阶段。这两个栽培品种似乎是实施 IPM 策略以控制 T. evansi 的潜在番茄栽培品种。特别是卵期(P ˂ 0.0001)和幼虫期(P = 0.0113)以及雌性产卵期(P = 0.0002)的发育时间。同样,女性寿命(P = 0.0095)和繁殖力(即卵/♀,P = 0.0055)也受到显着影响。除了 Buffalo 和 Tounvi 之外,所有品种的后代的性别比例大体相似,在这些品种上,大多数幼鱼不会发育超过幼虫阶段。这两个品种似乎是实施 IPM 策略以控制 T. evansi 的潜在番茄品种。除了 Buffalo 和 Tounvi 之外,所有品种的后代的性别比例大体相似,在这些品种上,大多数幼鱼不会发育超过幼虫阶段。这两个品种似乎是实施 IPM 策略以控制 T. evansi 的潜在番茄品种。除了 Buffalo 和 Tounvi 之外,所有品种的后代的性别比例大体相似,在这些品种上,大多数幼鱼不会发育超过幼虫阶段。这两个品种似乎是实施 IPM 策略以控制 T. evansi 的潜在番茄品种。