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Assessing the impact of environmental factors influencing the spatio-temporal distribution of Johnius belangerii (Cuvier, 1830) Belanger's croaker along Mumbai, Northwest Coast of India
Indian Journal of Geo-Marine Sciences ( IF 0.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-23
K K Ramteke, L Shenoy, B B Nayak, G Deshmukhe, A B Inamdar, V V Singh

The aim of this study was to assess the impact of environmental factors influencing the spatio-temporal distribution of Johnius belangerii. Fishery independent fortnightly resource surveys were conducted in Mumbai waters from September, 2017 to May, 2018 to determine the effect of environmental variables on spatio-temporal distribution. A Generalized Additive Modelling (GAM) approach showed that distribution and abundance of J. belangerii varied spatio-temporally, and environmental factors were found to be influential. GAM models demonstrated that higher catch was located in waters of Sea Surface Temperature (SST) from 25.1 - 31.1  °C with Sea Bottom Temperature (SBT) values ranging from 26-31 °C and salinity of more than 34 0/00. Correlation of environment variables with Catch per Unit Effort (CPUE) suggests significant relationship with SST (0.81), SBT (0.85) and Sea Bottom Chlorophyll-a (0.73). The result of this study will be helpful for clearly understanding the intricacies of spatial distributions of fish in relation to changing habitat condition which will be useful in the sustainable management of aquatic resources.


评估影响印度西北海岸孟买的Johnius belangerii(Cuvier,1830)Belanger的黄花鱼的时空分布的环境因素的影响

这项研究的目的是评估环境因素影响Johnius belangerii的时空分布的影响。2017年9月至2018年5月在孟买水域进行了独立于渔业的每两周一次资源调查,以确定环境变量对时空分布的影响通用可加性建模(GAM)方法显示,贝氏假单胞菌的分布和丰度在时空上变化,并且发现环境因素是有影响的。GAM模型表明,较高的渔获物位于25.1-31.1 ° C的海表温度(SST)水域中,海底温度(SBT)值在26-31 °范围内 C和超过34盐度0 / 00。环境变量与单位捕捞量(CPUE)的相关性表明与SST(0.81),SBT(0.85)和海底叶绿素a(0.73)有显着关系。这项研究的结果将有助于清楚地了解与生境状况变化有关的鱼类空间分布的复杂性,这将有助于可持续管理水生资源。