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Earwig preying on ambrosia beetle: Evaluating predatory process and prey preference
Journal of Applied Entomology ( IF 1.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-26 , DOI: 10.1111/jen.12800
Zi‐Ru Jiang 1 , Hisashi Kajimura 1

Earwigs (Dermaptera), such as Forficula auricularia L., are important euryphagous predators for a wide variety of prey and can markedly influence the populations of orchard pests. Most previous studies on earwig feeding behaviour have not used adult beetles of the prey species; few researchers have focused on prey preference in earwigs. Some fragments of beetle exoskeleton and an earwig adult, Anisolabella marginalis (Dohrn), were found in the same cage, where adults of ambrosia beetle, Euwallacea interjectus (Blandford), were emerging from the logs of a fig tree infected with Ceratocystis canker (fig wilt disease). Thus, A. marginalis was suspected of being a predator of E. interjectus. To shed light on this issue, in the laboratory, we set up a test arena and observed and recorded behavioural interactions between A. marginalis and E. interjectus. E. interjectus was collected from the logs of fig trees and reared on an artificial diet, along with six different ambrosia beetle species, which were collected from a trap (baited with ethanol) and a fallen maple tree. A series of laboratory experiments demonstrated that A. marginalis is actually a predator of E. interjectus and other species of ambrosia beetle, indicating its a potential for use in effective pest control in the field. The predators frequently consume and tend to select their prey depending on prey size, rather than sex and beetle species. Furthermore, earwigs have alternative predatory strategies for dealing with seven different species, although they use their forceps to cut the body of most tested beetles.



wig(Dermaptera),例如f(Forficula auricularia L.),对于许多猎物来说都是重要的食性食肉动物,并且可以显着影响果园害虫的种群。以前有关ear喂养行为的大多数研究都没有使用猎物种类的成年甲虫。很少有研究者关注ear中的猎物偏爱。甲虫外骨骼和蜈蚣成人的一些片段Anisolabella marginalis(Dohrn),在同一个笼子里,在那里豚草甲虫的成虫被发现Euwallacea interjectus(布兰福德),正在出现由感染了无花果树的日志甘薯溃烂(图枯萎病)。因此,A 边缘人被怀疑是捕食者Ë 感叹词。为了阐明这一问题,我们在实验室中建立了一个测试舞台,观察并记录了A之间行为交互。 marginalisË 感叹词Ë interjectus从无花果树的日志收集和饲养的人工饲料,用六种不同的豚草甲虫物种,这是从一个陷阱(用乙醇饵)和倒下枫树收集沿。一系列的实验室实验表明,A 边缘实际上是E的捕食者。 感叹词以及其他的甲虫物种,说明其在野外有效控制害虫的潜力。捕食者经常进食并倾向于根据猎物的大小而不是性别和甲虫的种类来选择猎物。此外,ear虽然可以使用镊子切割大多数受测甲虫的尸体,但它们也具有替代的掠食性策略,可以应对七个不同的物种。