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Cretaceous evolution of the Central Asian proto‐Paratethys Sea: tectonic, eustatic and climatic controls
Tectonics ( IF 3.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-01 , DOI: 10.1029/2019tc005983
Mustafa Yücel Kaya 1 , Guillaume Dupont‐Nivet 1, 2, 3 , Jean‐Noël Proust 2, 4 , Pierrick Roperch 2 , Niels Meijer 1 , Joost Frieling 5 , Chiara Fioroni 6 , Sevinç Özkan Altiner 7 , Marius Stoica 8 , Jovid Aminov 9, 10 , Mehmut Mamtimin 3 , Zhaojie Guo 3

The timing and mechanisms of the Cretaceous sea incursions into Central Asia are still poorly constrained. We provide a new chronostratigraphic framework based on biostratigraphy and magnetostratigraphy together with detailed paleoenvironmental analyses of Cretaceous records of the proto-Paratethys Sea fluctuations in the Tajik and Tarim basins. The Early Cretaceous marine incursion in the western Tajik Basin was followed by major marine incursions during the Cenomanian (ca. 100 Ma) and Santonian (ca. 86 Ma) that reached far into the eastern Tajik and Tarim basins. These marine incursions were separated by a Turonian-Coniacian (ca. 92-86 Ma) regression. Basin-wide tectonic subsidence analyses imply that the Early Cretaceous sea incursion into the Tajik Basin was related to increased Pamir tectonism. We find that thrusting along the northern edge of the Pamir at ca. 130-90 Ma resulted in increased subsidence in a retro-arc basin setting. This tectonic event and coeval eustatic highstand resulted in the maximum observed geographic extent of the sea during the Cenomanian (ca. 100 Ma). The following Turonian-Coniacian (ca. 92-86 Ma) major regression, driven by eustasy, coincides with a sharp slowdown in tectonic subsidence during the late orogenic unloading period with limited thrusting. The Santonian (ca. 86 Ma) major sea incursion was likely controlled by eustasy as evidenced by the coeval fluctuations in the west Siberian Basin. An early Maastrichtian cooling (ca. 71-70 Ma), potentially connected to global Late Cretaceous trends, is inferred from the replacement of mollusk-rich limestones by bryozoan-and echinoderm-rich limestones.



白垩纪海洋入侵中亚的时间和机制仍然缺乏约束。我们提供了一个基于生物地层学和磁地层学的新年代地层框架,以及对塔吉克和塔里木盆地原始帕特提斯海波动的白垩纪记录的详细古环境分析。在塔吉克盆地西部的早白垩世海侵之后,在 Cenomanian (ca. 100 Ma) 和 Santonian (ca. 86 Ma) 期间发生了大规模的海侵,并深入塔吉克盆地东部和塔里木盆地。这些海洋入侵被Turonian-Coniacian(约92-86 Ma)回归分开。整个盆地的构造沉降分析表明,早白垩世海侵塔吉克盆地与帕米尔构造活动增加有关。我们发现沿着帕米尔高原北部边缘的推力大约在。130-90 Ma 导致弧后盆地环境下沉增加。这一构造事件和同时期的海平面高位导致了森诺曼阶(约 100 Ma)期间观测到的最大海洋地理范围。下面的土伦阶-康尼亚阶(约 92-86 Ma)主要回归,由 eustasy 驱动,恰逢造山带晚期卸载期构造沉降急剧放缓,推力有限。西西伯利亚盆地的同期波动证明了桑托阶(约 86 马)的主要海上入侵很可能受厄斯塔西的控制。从富含苔藓动物和棘皮动物的石灰岩替代富含软体动物的石灰岩推断出马斯特里赫特早期冷却(约 71-70 Ma),可能与全球晚白垩世趋势有关。