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Changing diets and the transformation of the global food system
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences ( IF 5.2 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-26 , DOI: 10.1111/nyas.14446
Sonja J Vermeulen 1, 2 , Toby Park 3 , Colin K Khoury 4 , Christophe Béné 4

An aspirational global food system is one that delivers across a suite of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), including universal access to healthy diets, which can also codeliver on climate and environment SDGs. The literature has downplayed the relative contribution of dietary change to sustainable food systems. In this perspective article, we argue that the potential for positive transformational change in diets should not be underestimated, for two sets of reasons. First, the dynamism of diets over long‐term and, especially, recent history shows the potential for rapid and widespread change, including toward more diverse and healthier diets. Second, contemporary behavioral research demonstrates promising tactics to influence consumers’ dietary choices. Since the entire food system creates the circumstances of those choices, the most effective strategies to shift diets will involve multiple approaches that deliberately aim not just to influence consumers themselves but also to incentivize all actors in the food systems, taking into account multiple agendas and values. The effectiveness of actions will depend on the political economy at local, national, and global levels. Overall, there are reasons to be hopeful about the potential for accelerated global dietary change, given both historic trends and the growing suite of tools and approaches available.



一个理想的全球粮食系统是一个能够实现一系列可持续发展目标 (SDG) 的系统,包括普及健康饮食,这也可以共同实现气候和环境可持续发展目标。文献淡化了饮食变化对可持续粮食系统的相对贡献。在这篇观点文章中,我们认为不应低估饮食中积极转型变化的潜力,原因有二。首先,饮食的长期活力,尤其是最近的历史表明,有可能发生快速而广泛的变化,包括朝着更多样化和更健康的饮食方向发展。其次,当代行为研究展示了影响消费者饮食选择的有前景的策略。由于整个食物系统创造了这些选择的环境,改变饮食的最有效策略将涉及多种方法,这些方法不仅要影响消费者本身,还要考虑到多种议程和价值观,激励粮食系统中的所有参与者。行动的有效性将取决于地方、国家和全球各级的政治经济。总体而言,鉴于历史趋势和不断增加的可用工具和方法套件,有理由对加速全球饮食变化的潜力抱有希望。和全球层面。总体而言,鉴于历史趋势和不断增加的可用工具和方法套件,有理由对加速全球饮食变化的潜力抱有希望。和全球层面。总体而言,鉴于历史趋势和不断增加的可用工具和方法套件,有理由对加速全球饮食变化的潜力抱有希望。