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Bees of the Tribe Anthidiini (Hymenoptera, Megachilidae) of Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic of Azerbaijan
Entomological Review Pub Date : 2020-07-27 , DOI: 10.1134/s0013873820030069
A. V. Fateryga , M. Yu. Proshchalykin , M. M. Maharramov


Data on 34 species of anthidiine bees collected in Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic of Azerbaijan are reported. Sixteen species are new to Azerbaijan as a whole, and six other species are new to Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic. A total of 46 species of Anthidiini are currently known from Azerbaijan, 41 of them are known from Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic. This is distinctly less in comparison with the adjacent faunas of Turkey (93 species) and Iran (75) but more than the understudied faunas of Georgia (16) and Armenia (17). It is assumed that the number of Anthidiini species in Azerbaijan may be at least by one-third larger than the figure given herein. Two new synonymies are proposed: Anthidium gussakovskiji Mavromoustakis, 1939 = A. akanthurum Nadimi et Talebi, 2014, syn. n., and A. wuestneii Mocsáry, 1887 = A. bischoffi dzhachrumicum Popov, 1967, syn. n.Anthidium punctatum Latreille, 1809 is also reported for the first time from Georgia and A. wuestneii is reported for the first time from Armenia.




据报道在阿塞拜疆纳希切万自治共和国收集的34种蒽醌蜜蜂的数据。整个阿塞拜疆共有16种,而那赫奇万自治共和国则有6种。目前从阿塞拜疆已知总共有46种Anthidiini,其中从纳希切万自治共和国已知有41种。与土耳其(93种)和伊朗(75种)的相邻动物区系相比,这种动物明显少一些,但比格鲁吉亚(16种)和亚美尼亚(17种)的动物群少。假定阿塞拜疆的蒽醌菌种的数量可能至少比此处给出的数字大三分之一。我们提出了两种新异名:Anthidium gussakovskiji Mavromoustakis,1939年= A. akanthurum Nadimi等塔利比,2014年,同步 n。A. wuestneiiMocsáry,1887年= A. bischoffi dzhachrumicum Popov,1967年,同上。。佐治亚州也首次报道了点刺蚁拉特勒Anthidium punctatum Latreille),1809年,亚美尼亚首次报道了A. wuestneii