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Small copepods of the deep South Adriatic Pit: diversity, seasonal and multi-annual dynamics, and implications from the regional hydrography.
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment ( IF 2.9 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-27 , DOI: 10.1007/s10661-020-08462-4
Frano Kršinić 1 , Ruth Böttger-Schnack 2 , Olja Vidjak 1

In order to expand the fragmentary knowledge on the interactions between the environment and copepod distribution in the deep offshore Adriatic Sea, microcopepod assemblages were investigated during 31 cruises in the 1200-m deep central part of the South Adriatic Pit (SAP), from May 1998 to December 2009. Samples were collected in 8 depth layers, using a 53-μm mesh Nansen net equipped with a closing system. The taxonomic composition and vertical and temporal distributions of copepod abundances were analyzed, considering naupliar stages for all species combined, total calanoid copepodites, copepodite stages and adults separately for oithonids and oncaeids, and all post-naupliar stages combined of harpacticoids and mormonilloids. Corycaeid copepods are not considered in the present study. Data are presented for 41 non-calanoid copepod species, as well as for 7 undetermined morphospecies. Within the family Oncaeidae, four species new to the Adriatic Sea fauna are registered. Nauplii were generally the numerically dominant group, especially in the upper epipelagic layers, where they outnumbered all total post-naupliar stages by a factor of an average 3.5. Oncaeids were notably abundant, accounting in total post-naupliar copepods for an average proportion of 33% in the upper 50 m and 74% between 300- and 400-m depth. In the epipelagic zone, copepod abundances were enhanced by the cyclonic circulation which enriches the central part of the SAP with new primary production. A strong advection of Levantine Intermediate Water (LIW) influenced the post-naupliar abundances also in mesopelagic and deeper layers, by promoting the sinking of heavy water mass from the connected middle Adriatic sub-basin which enhances the trophic conditions and transports new organisms into the deeper layers of the SAP. Therefore, the variability in copepod abundances was influenced not only by the seasonal temperature fluctuations but also by the productivity conditions in the SAP which are connected to the movements of regional water masses and the resulting effects on the internal Adriatic circulation.



为了扩大关于在亚得里亚海深海中环境与co足类动物分布之间相互作用的零碎知识,从1998年5月开始,在南亚得里亚海坑(SAP)中部1200米深处的31次航行中,对微型足足类群进行了调查。到2009年12月。使用装备有封闭系统的53-μm网眼Nansen网在8个深度层中收集样品。分析了pe足类的丰度的分类学组成和垂直和时间分布,考虑了所有物种的无节幼体阶段,总cal足类co足类、,足足类和成虫的类风藻类和类螨类以及成虫后所有阶段的类类拟南芥和沙门藻类。在本研究中未考虑Corycaeid pe足类。列出了41种非cal类co足类动物的数据,以及7种未定形态的物种。在Oncaeidae科中,登记了亚得里亚海动物区系的四个新物种。Nauplii通常是数字上占主导地位的群体,尤其是在上表层上层,它们比所有幼年后阶段都要多平均3.5倍。甲足类动物非常丰富,在整个后足足co足类足纲中,平均占上部50 m的33%,在300-400 m的深度中的74%。在上层带,co足动物的丰度因气旋循环而增强,这使SAP的中部富集了新的一次生油。黎凡特中间水(LIW)的强对流作用也影响了中古生界和更深层的海马后丰度,通过促进重水从相连的亚得里亚海中流域下沉,这改善了营养状况,并将新生物运输到SAP的深层。因此,co足类的丰度变化不仅受季节温度波动的影响,而且还受SAP中与区域水团运动有关的生产力条件及其对亚得里亚海内部循环的影响。