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Optimizing the investments in mobile networks and subscriber migrations for a telecommunication operator
Networks ( IF 1.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-25 , DOI: 10.1002/net.21970
Adrien Cambier 1, 2 , Matthieu Chardy 1 , Rosa Figueiredo 2 , Adam Ouorou 1 , Michael Poss 3

We consider the context of a telecommunications company that is at the same time an infrastructure operator and a service provider. When planning its network expansion, the company can leverage over its knowledge of subscribers dynamic to better optimize the network dimensioning, therefore avoiding unnecessary costs. In this work, the network expansion represents the deployment and/or reinforcement of several technologies (e.g. 2G,3G,4G), assuming that subscribers to a given technology can be served by this technology or older ones. The operator can influence subscribers dynamic by subsidies. The planning is made over a discretized time horizon while some strategic guidelines requirements are demanded at the end of the time horizon. Following classical models, we consider that the behavior of customers follows an S-shape piecewise constant function. We propose a Mixed-Integer Linear Programming formulation and a heuristic algorithm for the multi-year planning problem. The scalability of the formulation and the quality of the heuristic are assessed numerically on real instances for a use-case with two generations.



我们考虑同时是基础设施运营商和服务提供商的电信公司的背景。在规划网络扩展时,公司可以利用其对用户动态的了解来更好地优化网络规模,从而避免不必要的成本。在这项工作中,网络扩展代表了几种技术(例如 2G、3G、4G)的部署和/或强化,假设给定技术的订户可以使用该技术或更旧的技术提供服务。运营商可以通过补贴动态影响用户。规划是在离散的时间范围内进行的,而在时间范围结束时需要一些战略指南要求。遵循经典模式,我们认为客户的行为遵循 S 形分段常数函数。我们为多年规划问题提出了混合整数线性规划公式和启发式算法。公式的可扩展性和启发式的质量是在两代用例的真实实例上进行数值评估的。