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Simulation Model of the Dynamics of 137 Cs Content in Food Chain Components of Land Ecosystems
Moscow University Soil Science Bulletin Pub Date : 2020-07-25 , DOI: 10.3103/s0147687420020076
S. V. Mamikhin , D. N. Lipatov , D. V. Manakhov , T. A. Paramonova , V. V. Stolbova , A. I. Shcheglov


Some aspects of the application of simulation modeling of radionuclide behavior in food chains of land ecosystems are discussed. A model of behavior of 137Cs in the soil–vegetation–herbivores–predators system is described. The results of modeling, including the calculation of the dynamics of the dose load on animals, are presented. It is shown that according to the simplified Chernobyl scenario of the radiological situation, dose loads on herbivores are significantly lower than on predators. In general, the main contribution to the dose load in animals during the first ten years is made by external irradiation. Then, the external and internal dose loads become approximately equal.


土地生态系统食物链成分中137 Cs含量的动力学模拟模型


讨论了放射性核素行为模拟模型在土地生态系统食物链中的一些应用。描述了土壤-植被-草食动物-捕食者系统中137 Cs的行为模型。介绍了建模结果,包括对动物剂量负荷动态的计算。结果表明,根据简化的放射线切尔诺贝利情景,食草动物的剂量负荷明显低于掠食者。通常,在头十年中,对动物剂量负荷的主要贡献是通过外部照射进行的。然后,外部和内部剂量负荷变得近似相等。