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Cohort splitting from plastic bet-hedging: insights from empirical and theoretical investigations in a wolf spider
Theoretical Ecology ( IF 1.2 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-25 , DOI: 10.1007/s12080-020-00475-6
Zoltán Rádai

Bet-hedging strategies help organisms to decrease variance in their fitness in unpredictably changing environments, by which way lineage fitness can be maximized in the given environment. As one strategy, diversified bet-hedging helps to achieve that by increasing phenotypic variation in fitness-related traits. For example, in diversified tracking, parents may divide the developmental phenotypes of their offspring within broods, leading to cohort splitting among the progeny. Such diversification, though, should be probabilistic and sensitive to no external stimuli. However, it was recently highlighted that plasticity in response to environmental stimuli may be part of a more dynamic case of bet-hedging. Current understanding and empirical observations of such a plastic bet-hedging remain limited. Here I use a theoretical investigation relying on empirical grounds in a specific case of cohort splitting in the wolf spider Pardosa agrestis (Westring 1861). I investigated whether cohort splitting might be a bet-hedging strategy in females of P. agrestis, and whether it would be expected to be static or plastic bet-hedging. Results show that cohort splitting is likely a bet-hedging strategy in this species, by which females maximize their lineage fitness. Also, cohort splitting appears to arise from plastic bet-hedging, as in simulated populations where both static and plastic bet-hedging females occur, the latter have considerably higher geometric mean fitness. I discuss theoretical and empirical observations in light of the current theory, and draw predictions on specific aspects of this case of plastic bet-hedging.



避险策略可以帮助生物体在变化莫测的环境中降低其适应性差异,从而在给定的环境中最大限度地提高沿袭适应性。作为一种策略,多样化的对冲交易可通过增加健身相关性状的表型变异来帮助实现这一目标。例如,在多元化的追踪中,父母可能会将其后代的发育表型划分为育雏群体,从而导致后代之间的队列分裂。但是,这种多样化应该是概率性的,并且对外部刺激不敏感。但是,最近强调指出,响应环境刺激而产生的可塑性可能是更动态的对冲交易的一部分。对这种塑料对冲的当前理解和经验观察仍然有限。Pardosa agrestis(Westring 1861)。我调查了同龄人分裂是否可能是古希腊对虾雌性的对冲策略,以及是否预期是静态对冲或塑料对冲。结果表明,在该物种中,群体分裂可能是一种套期保值策略,通过这种策略,雌性可以最大程度地发挥其血统。同样,同类对冲似乎是由塑料对冲所引起的,因为在模拟人群中,既有静态对冲女性又有塑料对冲女性,后者的几何平均适应度较高。我将根据当前理论讨论理论和经验观察,并对这种塑料对冲案例的特定方面做出预测。
