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Role of Maturity Stages on Phenolic Compounds and Organic Acids Contents in Red Currant Fruits
International Journal of Fruit Science ( IF 2.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-06-01 , DOI: 10.1080/15538362.2020.1774476
Selma Berk 1 , Muttalip Gundogdu 2 , Selma Tuna 3 , Akgul Tas 4

ABSTRACT The aim of this research was to determine the changes in the organic acids and phenolic compounds in fruits of red currant due to maturity. It was harvested two cultivars (Red Lake and Rovada cv.) during four different maturity stages (green color, veraison, pink color, and red color) in red currant orchard in Bolu province. In red currant fruits 12 phenolic compounds (gallic acid, protocatechuic acid, catechin, chlorogenic acid, vanillic acid, syringic acid, p-coumaric acid, ferulic acid, o-coumaric, rutin, phloridzin, and quercetin), 6 organic acids (malic, succinic, citric, fumaric, tartaric, and oxalic acid), and vitamin C were determined depending on maturity. All ripening times were found to be rich in catechin and rutin. It was determined that the contents of vanillic acid, ferulic acid, routine, phloridzin, and quercetin increased with maturation. In the study, the highest organic acids contents were determined at green stages. The content of vitamin C varied depending on the ripening. The results suggest that red currant fruits were richest in organic acids and phenolic compounds in red maturity period.



摘要 本研究的目的是确定红醋栗果实中有机酸和酚类化合物因成熟而发生的变化。在博卢省的红醋栗果园收获了两个品种(Red Lake 和Rovada cv.),在四个不同的成熟阶段(绿色、变紫、粉红色和红色)。红醋栗果实中含有 12 种酚类化合物(没食子酸、原儿茶酸、儿茶素、绿原酸、香草酸、丁香酸、对香豆酸、阿魏酸、邻香豆酸、芦丁、根皮苷和槲皮素),6 种有机酸(苹果酸) 、琥珀酸、柠檬酸、富马酸、酒石酸和草酸)和维生素 C 取决于成熟度。发现所有成熟时期都富含儿茶素和芦丁。经测定,香草酸、阿魏酸、常规、根皮苷、和槲皮素随着成熟而增加。在研究中,最高有机酸含量是在绿色阶段确定的。维生素C的含量因成熟而异。结果表明,红醋栗果实在红熟期富含有机酸和酚类化合物。