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Boron concentrations in tap water in many cities of Turkey
Toxicological & Environmental Chemistry ( IF 1.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-06-23 , DOI: 10.1080/02772248.2020.1778701
Ruya Kuru 1 , Sahin Yilmaz 2 , Ozlem Sacan 3 , Refiye Yanardag 3 , Aysen Yarat 1 , Fikrettin Sahin 2

Abstract Boron concentrations in 335 tap water samples collected from 75 cities in Turkey have been determined by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry. Boron levels ranged between 0.001 and 5.5 mg/L. The lowest boron levels were in Trabzon, the highest in Kayseri. Boron levels in tap water from cities of the Aegean, Eastern, and Central Anatolian Regions were higher than those from cities of the Marmara, Black Sea, South East, and Mediterranean Regions. The overall mean value was around 0.2 mg/L, lower than the limit levels given by the WHO and the European Union, and also the limit level established by Turkish regulations. In some cities, these limit values were exceeded, generally in the tap water of cities where the drinking water based on groundwater or of those located in the vicinity of hot springs, volcanic areas, or boron production regions. This is the most detailed study evaluating boron levels in the drinking water of Turkey. To conclusion, since the boron intake is being mainly with nutrients and drinking water it may effect public health. To know boron levels in drinking waters is also very important for epidemiologic studies and for establishment of database of boron level in drinking waters in Turkey. Graphical Abstract



摘要 采用电感耦合等离子体质谱法测定了从土耳其 75 个城市采集的 335 份自来水样品中的硼浓度。硼水平介于 0.001 和 5.5 毫克/升之间。硼含量最低的是特拉布宗,最高的是开塞利。来自爱琴海、东部和中部安纳托利亚地区城市的自来水中的硼含量高于来自马尔马拉、黑海、东南部和地中海地区的城市。总体平均值约为 0.2 mg/L,低于 WHO 和欧盟规定的限值,也低于土耳其法规规定的限值。一些城市的自来水超过了这些限值,一般是饮用水以地下水为基础的城市或位于温泉、火山区、火山区附近的城市的自来水。或硼产区。这是评估土耳其饮用水中硼含量的最详细研究。总之,由于硼的摄入主要是营养物质和饮用水,它可能会影响公众健康。了解饮用水中的硼含量对于流行病学研究和土耳其饮用水中硼含量数据库的建立也非常重要。图形概要