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Seasonal estimates of the impacts of aerosol and dust pollution on orographic precipitation in the Colorado River Basin
Physical Geography ( IF 1.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-15 , DOI: 10.1080/02723646.2020.1792602
Vandana Jha 1 , William R. Cotton 2 , Gustavo G. Carrió 3 , Robert Walko 4

ABSTRACT The cumulative effect of anthropogenic aerosol pollution acting primarily as cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) and dust acting as CCN, giant CCN, and ice nuclei (IN) is examined in this study, which covers the entire Colorado Rocky Mountains from the months of October to April in the year 2004–2005. The ~6.5-month analysis provides a range of snowfall totals and variability in concentrations of anthropogenic aerosol pollution and dust. This research quantifies the impacts of both dust and pollution aerosols on wintertime precipitation in the Colorado River Basin (CRB) using the Regional Atmospheric Modeling System (RAMS). In general, anthropogenic aerosol pollution reduces water resources in the CRB via the “spill-over” effect by enhancing cloud droplet concentrations and reducing riming, while dust enhances precipitation primarily by acting as IN. Dust is more episodic and anthropogenic aerosol is more pervasive throughout the winter season. Combined response to dust and anthropogenic aerosol is a net reduction of water resources in the CRB. The question is by how much are those water resources affected? We estimate that total winter-season precipitation loss for CRB in 2004–2005 due to the combined influence of anthropogenic aerosol and dust was 5,380,00 acre-feet of water (66.36 x 106 m3).



摘要 本研究考察了主要作为云凝结核 (CCN) 和灰尘作为 CCN、巨型 CCN 和冰核 (IN) 的人为气溶胶污染的累积效应,该研究涵盖了从 10 月份开始的整个科罗拉多洛矶山脉到 2004-2005 年的 4 月。大约 6.5 个月的分析提供了一系列降雪总量以及人为气溶胶污染和灰尘浓度的变化。这项研究使用区域大气建模系统 (RAMS) 量化了灰尘和污染气溶胶对科罗拉多河流域 (CRB) 冬季降水的影响。一般来说,人为气溶胶污染通过增加云滴浓度和减少边缘的“溢出”效应减少了 CRB 中的水资源,而灰尘主要通过充当 IN 来增强降水。在整个冬季,灰尘更加偶然,人为气溶胶更加普遍。对灰尘和人为气溶胶的综合反应是 CRB 水资源的净减少。问题是这些水资源受到了多少影响?我们估计,由于人为气溶胶和灰尘的综合影响,CRB 在 2004-2005 年的冬季总降水损失为 5,380,00 英亩-英尺的水(66.36 x 106 m3)。问题是这些水资源受到了多少影响?我们估计,由于人为气溶胶和灰尘的综合影响,CRB 在 2004-2005 年的冬季总降水损失为 5,380,00 英亩-英尺的水(66.36 x 106 m3)。问题是这些水资源受到了多少影响?我们估计,由于人为气溶胶和灰尘的综合影响,CRB 在 2004-2005 年的冬季总降水损失为 5,380,00 英亩-英尺的水(66.36 x 106 m3)。