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Late Bronze Age Metal Exploitation and Trade: Sardinia and Cyprus
Materials and Manufacturing Processes ( IF 4.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-05-13 , DOI: 10.1080/10426914.2020.1758329
Serena Sabatini 1 , Fulvia Lo Schiavo 2

ABSTRACT Since the 1980s, extensive archeological studies have provided us with knowledge about the multifaceted relations between Nuragic Sardinia and Bronze Age Cyprus. During the winter of 2019, Nuragic tableware of Sardinian origin was discovered at the harbor site of Hala Sultan Tekke, on the south-eastern coast of Cyprus, providing the opportunity to return to the question of the reasons behind this presence. The aim of this paper is to reflect on the characteristics and role of Sardinian maritime “enterprises” in the long-distance metal trade in the Mediterranean and beyond, including continental Europe. An array of new provenance studies demonstrates the complexity of the Bronze Age metal trade and, taking a maritime perspective, provides the opportunity to reveal how strategically positioned actors such as Nuragic Sardinia managed to dominate sea-borne routes, and gained a prominent and independent international position.



摘要自 1980 年代以来,广泛的考古研究为我们提供了有关 Nuragic 撒丁岛和青铜时代塞浦路斯之间多方面关系的知识。2019 年冬天,在塞浦路斯东南海岸的 Hala Sultan Tekke 港口发现了源自撒丁岛的 Nuragic 餐具,让我们有机会回到这种存在背后的原因问题。本文旨在反思撒丁岛海上“企业”在地中海及其他地区(包括欧洲大陆)长途金属贸易中的特点和作用。一系列新的来源研究证明了青铜时代金属贸易的复杂性,并且从海洋的角度来看,