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Bronze Age/Iron Age cauldrons with cross-attachments or Kreuzattaschenkessel
Materials and Manufacturing Processes ( IF 4.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-02-21 , DOI: 10.1080/10426914.2020.1726949
Alessandra Giumlia-Mair 1 , Maria Pia Riccardi 2

ABSTRACT This paper presents the analytical data collected from the analyses of several cauldrons with cross-attachments, perhaps better known under the German name Kreuzattaschenkessel. The analyses seem to confirm the hypothesis that these distinctive artifacts had been produced in two different periods and areas and show different characteristics. The chronology of the vessels is still not defined with certainty, but different shapes, different details, and different compositions seem to suggest that also in the later period there were two or more production sites. The implications of this fact and the related problems are discussed in this paper.


青铜时代/铁器时代的大锅,带有交叉附件或 Kreuzattaschenkessel

摘要 本文介绍了从几个带有交叉附件的大锅的分析中收集的分析数据,这些大锅可能以德国名称 Kreuzattaschenkessel 更为人所知。分析似乎证实了这些独特的文物是在两个不同的时期和地区生产并显示出不同特征的假设。这些器皿的年代仍不能确定,但​​不同的形状、不同的细节和不同的成分似乎表明后期也有两个或更多的生产地点。本文讨论了这一事实的含义和相关问题。