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Camera trapping reveals trends in forest duiker populations in African National Parks
Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation ( IF 3.9 ) Pub Date : 2019-11-11 , DOI: 10.1002/rse2.132
Timothy G. O'Brien 1 , Jorge Ahumada 2 , Emmanuel Akampurila 3 , Lydia Beaudrot 4 , Kelly Boekee 5, 6 , Terry Brncic 7, 8 , Jena Hickey 9 , Patrick A. Jansen 6, 10 , Charles Kayijamahe 9 , Jennifer Moore 4 , Badru Mugerwa 3, 11 , Felix Mulindahabi 12 , Mireille Ndoundou‐Hockemba 7 , Protais Niyigaba 12 , Madeleine Nyiratuza 12 , Cisquet K. Opepa 7, 8 , Francesco Rovero 13, 14 , Eustrate Uzabaho 9 , Samantha Strindberg 1

Bushmeat hunting is widely cited as cause for declines of wildlife populations throughout Africa. Forest duikers (Bovidae, Cephalophinae) are among the most exploited species. Whether current harvest rates imperil duikers is debated because of the difficulty of accurately assessing population trends. To assess population trends, we first reviewed literature for historical duiker population estimates. Second, we used systematic camera‐trap monitoring to assess population trends for 15 populations of nine duiker species in six national parks in Central and East Africa. We analysed annual monitoring data using Royle‐Nichols heterogeneity‐induced occupancy models to estimate abundance/sample point and derive occupancy estimates. Published density estimates indicate that duiker populations declined significantly throughout Africa between 1973 and 2013. There was a wide range of densities depending on species (urn:x-wiley:20563485:media:rse2132:rse2132-math-0001 range: 0.26–20.6 km−1) and whether populations were hunted (urn:x-wiley:20563485:media:rse2132:rse2132-math-0002 =6.3 km−1) or unhunted (urn:x-wiley:20563485:media:rse2132:rse2132-math-0003 = 16.3 km−1). More recent analysis of camera‐trap monitoring produced different results. Estimated mean point abundance over time was between 0 and 0.99 individuals/point for four populations, between 1.0 and 1.99 for six populations, and greater than 2.0 for five populations. We observed five populations of duikers with negative trends in point abundances, although only one trend was significant and point abundance estimates for three populations were above 2.0 in the final survey year. Six populations showed positive trends in point abundance (three significant), and the remaining populations displayed no trends. Average occupancy was high (Ψ > 0.60) except for three populations. While literature indicates that historical population declines have occurred, most duiker populations appear relatively healthy in monitored parks. Our results indicate that these parks are effective in protecting most duikers despite hunting pressure. We recommend that systematic, standardized camera‐trap monitoring be initiated in other African parks in combination with point‐abundance models to objectively assess forest ungulate population trends.



食用森林猎物被广泛认为是导致整个非洲野生动植物种群减少的原因。森林矮人(牛科,头足类)是最被利用的物种之一。由于难以准确评估人口趋势,因此目前的收成是否会威胁到讨价还价。为了评估人口趋势,我们首先回顾了有关历史人群人口估计的文献。其次,我们使用系统的相机诱捕器监测来评估中非和东非六个国家公园中15种9个duiker种群的种群趋势。我们使用Royle-Nichols异质性引起的入住率模型分析了年度监测数据,以估算丰度/采样点并得出入住率估算值。公布的密度估算值表明,1973年至2013年期间,整个非洲的矮个数人口都大大减少了。骨灰盒:x-wiley:20563485:media:rse2132:rse2132-math-0001范围:0.26–20.6 km -1)以及是否是狩猎​​(骨灰盒:x-wiley:20563485:media:rse2132:rse2132-math-0002= 6.3 km -1)或未狩猎(骨灰盒:x-wiley:20563485:media:rse2132:rse2132-math-0003 = 16.3 km -1)的种群)。最新的相机陷阱监控分析产生了不同的结果。随时间变化的估计平均点数丰度在四个人口中介于0和0.99个人/点之间,六个人口在1.0和1.99之间,五个人口大于2.0。我们观察到五只独木舟种群的点丰度呈负趋势,尽管在最后一个调查年度中,只有一个趋势很明显,并且三个种群的点丰度估计值均高于2.0。六个种群的点丰度显示出正趋势(三个显着),而其余种群则没有趋势。除了三个人口外,平均入住率很高(Ψ> 0.60)。虽然文献表明历史上的人口下降已经发生,但大多数受监视的公园中的混混人口似乎相对健康。我们的结果表明,尽管面临狩猎压力,这些公园仍可有效保护大多数独木舟。我们建议在其他非洲公园中,结合点-丰度模型,启动系统,标准化的相机陷阱监控,以客观评估森林有蹄类种群的趋势。