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Do the stars align?: Stakeholders and strategies in libraries' curation of an astronomy dataset
Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology ( IF 2.8 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-18 , DOI: 10.1002/asi.24392
Peter T. Darch 1 , Ashley E. Sands 2 , Christine L. Borgman 2 , Milena S. Golshan 2

When developing university‐based research data curation services, libraries face critical decisions around organization and sustainability that can affect dataset producers' satisfaction with these services. We present a study, involving interviews (n = 43) and ethnographic observation, of how two libraries partnered with the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) to curate a significant astronomy dataset. Each library took different decisions: one library assigned activities to a unit specializing in digital curation, while the other distributed activities across its existing units. Neither approach proved a silver bullet. While library staff members felt the outcomes largely met their expectations, SDSS leaders expressed mixed opinions. We identify three factors that contributed to these differences in perspective: differing strategic motivations for undertaking this Data Transfer Process, SDSS leaders' misperceptions about libraries, and organizational mismatches. These factors contributed to four differences in perspective between SDSS leaders and library staff: provenance as technical information or as information about social context, dataset as a live research object or as a static object to be preserved, systems and services tailored to the dataset or easily adaptable to other datasets, and obstacles as setbacks or as opportunities. Only those differences that emerged when SDSS collaboration members and library staff communicated frequently were resolved.



在开发基于大学的研究数据管理服务时,图书馆面临着围绕组织和可持续性的关键决策,这可能会影响数据集生产者对这些服务的满意度。我们提出了一项研究,涉及访谈 (n = 43) 和人种学观察,研究两个图书馆如何与斯隆数字巡天 (SDSS) 合作管理重要的天文学数据集。每个图书馆都做出了不同的决定:一个图书馆将活动分配给专门从事数字策展的单位,而另一个图书馆则将活动分配到其现有单位。这两种方法都被证明是灵丹妙药。虽然图书馆工作人员认为结果在很大程度上符合他们的预期,但 SDSS 领导者表达了不同的意见。我们确定了导致这些观点差异的三个因素:实施此数据传输流程的不同战略动机、SDSS 领导者对图书馆的误解以及组织不匹配。这些因素导致了 SDSS 领导者和图书馆工作人员之间存在四种观点差异:作为技术信息或社会背景信息的来源、作为实时研究对象或作为要保存的静态对象的数据集、针对数据集或轻松定制的系统和服务适应其他数据集,将障碍视为挫折或机遇。只有在 SDSS 协作成员和图书馆工作人员频繁沟通时出现的差异才能得到解决。这些因素导致了 SDSS 领导者和图书馆工作人员之间存在四种观点差异:作为技术信息或社会背景信息的来源、作为实时研究对象或作为要保存的静态对象的数据集、针对数据集或轻松定制的系统和服务适应其他数据集,将障碍视为挫折或机遇。只有在 SDSS 协作成员和图书馆工作人员频繁沟通时出现的差异才能得到解决。这些因素导致了 SDSS 领导者和图书馆工作人员之间存在四种观点差异:作为技术信息或社会背景信息的来源、作为实时研究对象或作为要保存的静态对象的数据集、针对数据集或轻松定制的系统和服务适应其他数据集,将障碍视为挫折或机遇。只有在 SDSS 协作成员和图书馆工作人员频繁沟通时出现的差异才能得到解决。