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Registration of photoperiod insensitive pigeonpea cultivar ‘Lázaro’
Journal of Plant Registrations ( IF 0.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-04-28 , DOI: 10.1002/plr2.20000
Diego M. Viteri 1 , Angel Bosques 1 , Angela M. Linares 2 , Bao‐Lam Huynh 3 , Philip A. Roberts 3 , Leidy Sarmiento 1 , Mariela Pérez 2

Pigeonpea [Cajanus cajan (L.) Mill.] cultivar ‘Lázaro’ (Reg no. CV‐331, PI 692612) was developed in the United States at the Isabela and Lajas Research Substations at the University of Puerto Rico in collaboration with researchers at the University of California, Riverside. Lázaro was derived from the bi‐parental cross ‘2B‐Bushy’/OP‐61 and traces back to the selection of F2 individual plants insensitive to long daylength (>12 h) and advanced by a combination of pedigree and bulk breeding methods. Lázaro is photoperiod insensitive, and its yield performance was tested in six environments with checks in Puerto Rico and under furrow and drip irrigation systems in California in 2017 and 2018. Lázaro has a determinate growth habit, initiates flowering from 69 to 94 d, reaches harvesting maturity between 130 to 149 d, and has a small beige seed (17 g per 100 seeds). Mean seed yield varied from 338 to 1,091 kg ha−1 in Puerto Rico and >3,300 kg ha−1 in California. Furthermore, Lázaro can be planted year‐round compared with cultivars ‘Cortada’, ‘Guerrero’, and ‘ICP 7035’, which are photoperiod sensitive and thus only recommended for planting under short‐daylength conditions.



在美国波多黎各大学的Isabela和Lajas Research Substations研发了Pigeonpea [ Cajanus cajan (L.)Mill。]品种'Lázaro'(Reg No. CV-331,PI 692612),由美国加州大学河滨分校。Lázaro源自双亲杂交“ 2B-Bushy” / OP-61,并追溯到F 2的选择对长日照不敏感(> 12 h)的单株植物,通过系谱和大量育种方法相结合进行。Lázaro对光周期不敏感,2017年和2018年在波多黎各进行了检查,并在加利福尼亚的犁沟和滴灌系统中进行了六个环境的测试,测试了其产量表现。Lázaro具有确定的生长习性,从69到94 d开始开花,直至收获成熟期在130至149 d之间,并有一个小的米色种子(每100颗种子17克)。波多黎各的平均种子产量从338到1,091 kg ha -1不等,> 3,300 kg ha -1在加利福尼亚。此外,与对光周期敏感的'Cortada','Guerrero'和'ICP 7035'品种相比,Lázaro可以全年种植,因此建议仅在短日照条件下种植。