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Registration of 11 diverse sorghum germplasm lines for grain and silage hybrid production
Journal of Plant Registrations ( IF 0.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-05-12 , DOI: 10.1002/plr2.20001
David W. Horne 1 , Nikhil Y. Patil 2 , Robert R. Klein 3 , Fred R. Miller 1 , Leo Hoffmann 1 , Patricia E. Klein 2 , William L. Rooney 1

Genotypic variance is necessary for trait improvement because limited diversity can reduce genetic gains in crop improvement. To maintain genetic diversity, a wealth of germplasm exists in the USDA‐ARS sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench] collection, but most of the accessions are not adapted to temperate climates. To address this issue, the Reinstated Sorghum Conversion program (RSC, ∼2009–2014) converted 155 tropical accessions to combine height and early maturing F3 and BC1F3 families. Here, 11 germplasm lines Tx3429 to Tx3439 (Reg. no. GP‐889, PI 692640 to Reg. no. GP‐899, PI 692650) released by Texas A&M AgriLife Research in 2019 and derived from the RSC program are described. This germplasm was derived from F3, BC1F3, and BC1F4 RSC families that were selected based on testcross hybrid performance for either grain or silage production. Six lines are grain sorghum pollinators, one line is a seed parent, and four lines are silage pollinators. These lines combined agronomic productivity with greater genetic diversity as confirmed via genotyping‐by‐sequencing. These 11 parental germplasms are being released to provide new genetic diversity for forage and grain hybrid improvement programs.



基因型变异对于性状改良是必要的,因为有限的多样性会降低作物改良中的遗传增益。为了维持遗传多样性,USDA-ARS高粱[高粱双色(Mo. Moench)]品种中存在大量种质,但是大多数种质都不适合温带气候。为了解决这个问题,恢复高粱转化计划(RSC,2009-2014年)对155个热带种进行了转化,以结合高度和早熟的F 3和BC 1 F 3家族。在此,描述了由德州农工大学AgriLife Research于2019年发布并衍生自RSC程序的11种种系Tx3429至Tx3439(Reg。编号GP‐889,PI 692640至Reg.GP‐899,PI 692650)。该种质来自F 3,BC 1 F 3和BC 1 F 4 RSC家族,它们是根据testcross杂交性能选择的,用于谷物或青贮饲料的生产。六个品系是谷类高粱授粉者,一个品系是种子亲本,四个品系是青贮粉传粉者。这些系结合了农艺学生产能力和更大的遗传多样性,这已通过基因分型测序得到了证实。这11种亲本种质被释放,以提供新的遗传多样性,用于饲草和杂种改良计划。