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Reflecting on an Extraordinary Year
Journal American Water Works Association ( IF 0.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-02 , DOI: 10.1002/awwa.1530
Jim Williams

The combination of two atoms of hydrogen and one atom of oxygen forms a molecule of huge significance to mankind. Water covers three‐quarters of Earth's surface, yet delivery of a safe and plentiful supply for human consumption demands significant resources, technical expertise, and managerial skill. There is no more important endeavor in sustaining human life. Thousands of people die each day worldwide from consuming unsafe drinking water. In North America, we're fortunate to have the safest and most reliable water supply in the world, but we can't rest on our laurels. We must remain vigilant in our work to provide water of unquestionable quality and sufficient quantity.

I wrote these words when I was elected chair of the Indiana Section in 2002, and they're certainly no less true today. We must remain vigilant, and I'm proud to say that AWWA is doing a phenomenal job of helping the entire water industry do just that.

One of the highlights of being AWWA's president is the opportunity to address members during the opening general session of the association's Annual Conference and Exposition (ACE). Thousands of AWWA members gather for this high‐energy event, and the president gets to talk about all the good things happening in the association. Alas, this year ACE wasn't meant to be. As a result, I've joined an exclusive two‐person club with Samuel Newkirk, who was president in 1944–1945. The only other time ACE was canceled in AWWA's 139‐year history was in 1945. In Newkirk's case, it had something to do with a world war.

To be sure, I'm not the only person disappointed about ACE20’s cancellation. More than 12,000 water professionals from all over the world were planning to attend. AWWA's staff and volunteers put tremendous energy into planning the event. Presenters, exhibitors, and competition participants were gearing up and getting ready to attend. My fellow Water Buffaloes were preparing for the annual motorcycle ride to the event to support the important work of Water For People and AWWA's Water Equation. A plethora of water industry champions were going to be honored with well‐deserved acknowledgment and awards. AWWA's board of directors, councils, and committees were going to gather and conduct the association's important business—just as they have 137 times before. Melissa Elliott, AWWA's next president, would have been celebrated in grand style.

However, the good news is that, primarily because of a tremendous effort by AWWA's staff and volunteer leaders, the gavel passing and Board meeting were successfully held online.

However, the good news is that, primarily because of a tremendous effort by AWWA's staff and volunteer leaders, the gavel passing and Board meeting were successfully held online. Planning for ACE21 in San Diego is already underway, and it will be bigger, better, and safer than ever. In more good news—and true to the ACE20 theme—the future is bright.

The COVID‐19 pandemic only solidified the true spirit of the water industry, as water professionals—steadfast and determined to protect public health—have risen to the occasion. I've said many times that the water industry is a vocation of distinction. Without question, it's now clearly a vocation of heroism as well.

Many good things happened this past year that not even a global pandemic could stop. For example, AWWA has conducted a State of the Water Industry survey each year since 2004. For the first 13 years, the industry's perceived health was in steady decline. But in an effort called Project Hockey Stick, increased emphasis was placed on programs to enhance the industry's outlook for the future. I'm pleased to report that in 2018 and 2019, the survey results revealed a significant uptick in optimism, and the downward trend has been reversed.

Going forward, our goal must be to continue the important work of strengthening the industry's health. This includes ensuring utilities are financially strong so that sustainability is never in doubt as we go about the work of protecting public health and the environment while promoting economic development. It also includes addressing deteriorating infrastructure, which has been an important topic of conversation among water professionals for decades. Bold and decisive action continues to be necessary. In the words of John F. Kennedy, “If not us, who? If not now, when?”

Change often occurs when society is faced with new challenges that require different ways of thinking. The coronavirus pandemic has certainly required new and innovative approaches in the water sector. Now, perhaps more than ever before, the true value of a safe and plentiful water supply is obvious to the world. Routine hand washing is one of the key factors to protect against the virus. There's no need to spend money on bottled water for our homes when we have a safe, reliable source right at the tap. Without that source, we couldn't flush our toilets and enjoy the health benefits our modern sanitation systems provide.

Knowing the value of water is essential to making sure true cost‐of‐service pricing is in place that guarantees sustainability for utilities. The good news is that this can be accomplished while maintaining a sensitivity to affordability for those in need. During and after this crisis, many utilities and their customers will face financial challenges they never imagined. Utilities will need to collaborate with leaders of industries and across the spectrum of government to help all communities quickly recover and thrive once more.

The coronavirus pandemic has certainly required new and innovative approaches in the water sector. Now, perhaps more than ever before, the true value of a safe and plentiful water supply is obvious to the world.

As I reflect on my year as AWWA's president, it has been my pleasure to be part of such a great organization. AWWA's executive committee and board of directors are composed of smart, dedicated water professionals from across North America. I have been impressed by the high‐caliber and results‐driven staff AWWA has in Denver and Washington, D.C. The thousands of volunteers serving on councils and committees at both the association and Section levels are amazing. In short, special, extraordinary people dedicate their time and energy to AWWA.


The Water Buffaloes will have to wait another year to ride to ACE.

I'm also grateful to my colleagues at SUEZ/Peerless‐Midwest for stepping up and supporting me during this time. I couldn't have served AWWA at this level and fulfilled the duties of my “real job” without their support. This is particularly true of my operations manager, Cathy Lance.

In 1995, Karl Kohlhoff was AWWA's president, and he wrote an article in AWWA's Mainstream publication that I refer to from time to time because it provides motivation when I need it. Kohlhoff tells the story of three medieval stone cutters. When a passerby asked what they were doing, the first said, “I'm just doing my job.” The second was less patient and said, “What does it look like? I'm cutting stone.” But the third drew his answer from his personal vision of himself and of what the world could be. He said, “I'm building a cathedral.” May we all share the vision of the third stone cutter as we work together as caretakers of water, the world's most important and vital resource.

Article updated on July 10, 2020, after the first online publication. The information related to ACE activities has been updated .





成为AWWA主席的一大亮点是有机会在协会的年度会议和博览会(ACE)开幕大会上向会员致辞。数以千计的AWWA成员齐聚一堂,参加这一高能量活动,而主席开始谈论该协会中发生的所有美好事情。las,今年ACE并没有。结果,我与1944年至1945年担任主席的塞缪尔·纽基克(Samuel Newkirk)加入了一个独家的两人俱乐部。ACE在AWWA的139年历史中唯一一次取消ACE是在1945年。就纽柯克而言,这与世界大战有关。

可以肯定的是,我并不是唯一对ACE20取消感到失望的人。来自世界各地的12,000多名水务专业人员正计划参加。AWWA的工作人员和志愿者为计划活动投入了巨大的精力。演示者,参展者和竞赛参与者正在加紧准备并准备参加。我的同伴Water Buffaloes正在为年度摩托车比赛做准备,以支持Water for People和AWWA的Water Equation的重要工作。众多水务行业的冠军将获得当之无愧的肯定和奖励。AWWA的董事会,理事会和委员会将聚集并开展该协会的重要业务,就像以前的137次一样。AWWA的下一任主席Melissa Elliott,





展望未来,我们的目标必须是继续加强行业健康的重要工作。这包括确保公用事业的财务状况良好,从而在我们开展促进公共发展的同时保护公共健康和环境的工作中,可持续性从未受到质疑。它还包括解决不断恶化的基础设施问题,这是数十年来水务专业人员之间进行对话的重要话题。仍然需要采取果断和果断的行动。用约翰·肯尼迪(John F. Kennedy)的话说:“如果不是我们,谁?更待何时?”






Water Buffaloes将不得不再等一年才能骑上ACE。

我也非常感谢SUEZ / Peerless-Midwest的同事在这段时间内加紧支持我。没有他们的支持,我无法在这一级别上为AWWA服务,无法履行我的“实际工作”的职责。我的运营经理Cathy Lance尤其如此。

1995年,卡尔·科赫霍夫(Karl Kohlhoff)担任AWWA的总裁,他在AWWA的主流出版物上写了一篇文章,我不时提及,因为它在我需要时会提供动力。Kohlhoff讲述了三个中世纪石匠的故事。当一个路人问他们在做什么时,第一个人说:“我只是在做我的工作。” 第二个则不那么耐心地说:“它看起来像什么?我在砍石头。” 但是第三个人从他对自己以及对世界的个人看法中得出了答案。他说:“我正在建造一座大教堂。” 愿我们大家共同分享第三个切石机的愿景,因为我们作为世界最重要和至关重要的水源的照护者而共同努力。

