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Archaeometric investigation of pottery from funerary gifts in Kal‐e Chendar, Shami (Khuzestan, Iran)
Archaeometry ( IF 1.5 ) Pub Date : 2020-04-15 , DOI: 10.1111/arcm.12560
P. Davit 1 , F. Turco 1 , L. Operti 1 , A. Borghi 2 , A. Cellerino 3, 4

Thirty fragments of red slip, glazed, common and cooking ware from Hellenistic and Parthian tombs at Kal‐e Chendar in Shami (Iran) were investigated. Petrographic assemblage and chemometric evaluation of chemical data collected most samples in a large cluster, suggesting a common provenance, even in a quite wide area which includes Izeh plain and lowland Susiana, and underlining the presence of smaller very distinguished groupings. Surface finishing layers (both glazes and red slips) showed a high degree of alteration of their morphological features. Blue glazes are typical plant‐ash, with copper as a colouring agent.


沙米Kal-e Chendar(葬礼,伊朗)的随葬礼品中的陶器的考古学调查

调查了沙米(伊朗)Kal-e Chendar的希腊古墓和帕提亚古墓中的30件红釉,釉面,普通和炊具碎片。化学数据的岩相组合和化学计量学评价是在一个大簇中收集大多数样品的,这表明即使在伊泽平原和低地苏珊娜等相当宽的地区也有共同的出处,并强调了较小的非常杰出的群体的存在。表面精加工层(釉料和红釉)都表现出高度的形态特征变化。蓝釉是典型的植物灰,以铜为着色剂。