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Between east and west: Glass beads from the eighth to third centuries bce from Poland
Archaeometry ( IF 1.5 ) Pub Date : 2020-04-17 , DOI: 10.1111/arcm.12563
T. Purowski 1 , O. Syta 2 , B. Wagner 2

The study analyses the chemical composition of 57 glass samples from 40 beads discovered at 20 archaeological sites in Poland. The beads are dated to Hallstatt C–Early La Tène periods (c.800/750–260/250 bce). Analyses were carried out using laser ablation‐inductively coupled plasma‐mass spectrometry (LA‐ICP‐MS). Two groups were distinguished among the glasses based on the MgO/K2O ratio: high‐magnesium glass (HMG), five samples; and low‐magnesium glass (LMG), 52 samples. The former were melted with halophyte plant ash, the second with mineral soda. These glasses were produced in the Eastern Mediterranean (more likely in Mesopotamia or Syro‐Palestine than in Egypt) and transported in the form of semi‐products to secondary glass workshops in Europe. Some of the white opaque glass was coloured and opacified in Europe.



该研究分析了在波兰20个考古现场发现的40个珠子中的57个玻璃样品的化学成分。将珠粒追溯到哈尔施塔特C-早期拉登周期(ç 0.800 / 750-260 / 250  BCE)。使用激光烧蚀-电感耦合等离子体质谱(LA-ICP-MS)进行分析。基于MgO / K 2的眼镜分为两组O比率:高镁玻璃(HMG),五个样品;和低镁玻璃(LMG),共52个样品。前者与盐生植物灰融化,第二与矿物苏打融化。这些玻璃是在地中海东部生产的(比在埃及更可能在美索不达米亚或西罗-巴勒斯坦生产),并以半成品的形式运输到欧洲的二级玻璃车间。在欧洲,一些白色的不透明玻璃是有色和不透明的。