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Integration of GPR and TLS for investigating the floor of the ‘Salone dei Cinquecento’ in Palazzo Vecchio, Florence, Italy
Archaeological Prospection ( IF 2.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-06-26 , DOI: 10.1002/arp.1788
Massimiliano Pieraccini 1 , Lapo Miccinesi 1 , Alessandro Conti 2 , Lidia Fiorini 2 , Grazia Tucci 2 , Ilaria Pieri 2 , Stefano Corazzini 3, 4

Ground penetrating radar (GPR) is a powerful non-destructive investigation tool widely used in archaeology. Its capabilities are greatly enhanced when it is operated in combination with a terrestrial laser scanner. This article reports on the radar investigation of the floor of Palazzo Vecchio's Great Hall. This monumental hall has been decorated by the most prominent artists of Italian Renaissance and it has radically changed at least twice since the 15th century. The aim of this investigation is to find features inside and under the floor that can contribute to a better reconstruction of the history of this monument. The main findings of this prospection have been the detection of a transversal girder not known on the south side of the Great Hall and a hemicycle structure under the floor. Both are probably remains of the works for adapting the hall to be used as the National Parliament of Italy between 1865 and 1870.


集成 GPR 和 TLS 以调查意大利佛罗伦萨旧宫“Salone dei Cinquecento”的地板

探地雷达(GPR)是考古学中广泛使用的一种强大的无损勘探工具。当它与地面激光扫描仪结合使用时,其功能会大大增强。本文报道了对旧宫大厅地板的雷达调查。这座巨大的大厅由意大利文艺复兴时期最杰出的艺术家装饰,自 15 世纪以来至少发生了两次根本性的变化。这项调查的目的是找到地板内部和下方的特征,以帮助更好地重建这座纪念碑的历史。这次勘探的主要发现是在大会堂南侧发现了一条不为人知的横梁和地板下的半圆形结构。