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Soil chemical properties and their relationship with phytonematode populations inside and outside patches of soybean fields
Rhizosphere ( IF 3.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-18 , DOI: 10.1016/j.rhisph.2020.100231
Nathalia Petronila Florenciano Leiva , Simone de Melo Santana-Gomes , André Vinicius Zabini , Luz Marina Guillén Velázquez , Cláudia Regina Dias-Arieira

Phytonematodes cause great losses to agricultural production. The magnitude of their economic impact is directly related to management practices, with the hypothesis that high nematode populations can also be found inside and outside symptomatic patches, and that they correlate with soil properties. This study examined the relationship of soil chemical properties and texture with phytonematode populations inside and outside patches with symptoms of nematode damage in soybean fields. Soil and root samples were collected from commercial fields in Paraguay. A total of 9 nematode parameters and 12 soil variables were evaluated. Statistical analyses were performed initially between nematode parameters and then between nematode parameters and soil properties. Pratylenchus spp. were identified in 95% of root samples. Principal component analysis showed that Pratylenchus spp., nematode eggs, and Meloidogyne spp. were more strongly correlated with roots from inside patches. Helicotylenchus spp., Heterodera glycines, and cysts were more abundant in soil samples, both from inside and outside patches. Pratylenchus spp. was positively correlated with soil sand content and potential acidity and negatively with sum of bases, micronutrients, and potassium, confirming the greater activity of this nematode in low-fertility sandy soils. No significant correlations were found between soil properties and patch type (inside or outside). It concludes that the soil properties interfere in the nematode population, especially in the Pratylenchus.



疫病对农业生产造成巨大损失。其经济影响的大小与管理实践直接相关,其假设是,在有症状的斑块的内部和外部也可以发现大量线虫,并且它们与土壤特性相关。这项研究探讨了土壤化学性质和质地与斑块内外植物线虫种群与线虫损害症状之间的关系。从巴拉圭的商业区收集土壤和根样品。总共评估了9个线虫参数和12个土壤变量。首先在线虫参数之间进行统计分析,然后在线虫参数与土壤性质之间进行统计分析。Pratylenchusspp。在95%的根样品中被鉴定出来。主成分分析表明,Pratylenchus spp。,线虫卵和Meloidogyne spp。与补丁内部的根更紧密相关。无论是内部还是外部斑块,土壤样品中的螺旋藻属,杂藻甘氨酸和囊肿都更为丰富。Pratylenchusspp。与土壤含沙量和潜在酸度呈正相关,与碱,微量营养素和钾的总量呈负相关,这证实了该线虫在低肥力沙质土壤中具有更大的活性。在土壤性质和斑块类型(内部或外部)之间未发现显着相关性。它的结论是,土壤性质干涉线虫群体,特别是在短体线虫
