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Consumer acceptance of edible insects in an organic waste-based bioeconomy
Current Opinion in Green and Sustainable Chemistry ( IF 9.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-04-04 , DOI: 10.1016/j.cogsc.2020.03.007
Birgit A. Rumpold , Nina Langen

In light of the global extent of food waste accruing every year, in addition to prevention measures, a circular, waste-based economy for food waste valorization is proposed as one potential remedy. Profound knowledge is missing on the consumers' willingness to take part in circular systems for the reduction of food waste.

Edible insects were suggested as a potential tool for the sustainable valorization of food waste and production of valuable proteins, food, and feed products. This insect-based food waste valorization strategy faces a number of obstacles — one being the consumer acceptance of the resulting food products. An overview of existing strategies for the promotion of novel and/or waste-based food, as well as insect-based food is given and compared.




