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An unpublished debate brought to light: Karl Popper's enterprise against the logic of quantum mechanics
Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics Pub Date : 2020-03-19 , DOI: 10.1016/j.shpsb.2020.03.001
Flavio Del Santo

Karl Popper published, in 1968, a paper that allegedly found a flaw in a very influential article of Birkhoff and von Neumann, which pioneered the field of “quantum logic”. Nevertheless, nobody rebutted Popper's criticism in print for several years. This has been called in the historiographical literature an “unsolved historical issue”. Although Popper's proposal turned out to be merely based on misinterpretations and was eventually abandoned by the author himself, this paper aims at providing a resolution to such historical open issues. I show that (i) Popper's paper was just the tip of an iceberg of a much vaster campaign conducted by Popper against quantum logic (which encompassed several more unpublished papers that I retrieved); and (ii) that Popper's paper stimulated a heated debate that remained however confined within private correspondence.



卡尔·波普尔(Karl Popper)于1968年发表了一篇论文,据称在伯克霍夫(Birkhoff)和冯·诺伊曼(von Neumann)的一篇很有影响力的文章中发现了一个缺陷,该文章开创了“量子逻辑”领域。然而,多年来,没有人反驳波普尔的书面批评。在史学文献中,这被称为“未解决的历史问题”。尽管波普尔的提议原来只是基于错误的解释,并最终被作者本人所放弃,但本文旨在为此类历史性开放问题提供解决方案。我证明(i)波普尔的论文只是波普尔针对量子逻辑开展的一场规模更大的运动的冰山一角(该运动涵盖了我检索到的更多未发表的论文);和(ii)Popper'
